Chapter 29

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Nate's Point of View: 

It took us a good while to convince Camilla to leave the bats alone, but once we did, we all walked back towards the White Woods, all of us trying hard to keep a swaying Camilla on her feet.

"Can't we just take her home?" Chloe muttered as she eyed the tipsy werewolf warily.

Loki chuckled in response. "I think we should keep her. She's entertaining."

"Damn right I am!" A giggling Camilla said, beaming as she battered her eyelashes at Loki and gave him an attempted wink, which looked more like a face scrunch in her current state. "I'm the most entertaining person in this boring group!" She giggled again, taking Loki's hand and skipping off up ahead. I watched as my best friend merely shrugged before entertaining her actions, skipping along with her.

"She's seriously slowing us down." Chloe muttered from beside me. I agreed with her, but Camilla had been adamant in coming along.

"She would have followed us anyway if we tried to leave her." Casper said from beside me. "She's pretty stubborn like that. It's better she's here with us now, then trying to find us later all alone." Casper lagged behind me a little, staying back to talk to quietly talk to his friend Cayden whilst I was left standing with Chloe up front.

Chloe narrowed her eyes at me before looking back at Casper for a short moment. "You still haven't told him?" She asked.

I hesitated, casting a quick look at Casper to make sure he wasn't listening before glaring at Chloe. "No I haven't." I said under my breath. "And can you please lower your voice. He's going to hear you."

Chloe rolled her eyes at me and sighed. "Right yes. You're right. I'm the one in the wrong. My bad." She gave me a pointed look and I sighed, feeling guilt swarming through my chest once more.

"Look... this whole situation is complicated okay?" I said. "I want to tell him the truth... but I can't... I mean... he won't even want to be my mate... I tormented him for years."

Chloe pursued her lips and shrugged. "Yeah, If I was him I wouldn't want to be your mate either... but he is your mate, and not telling him is only going to make it worse!"

"Whose your mate?" Camilla questioned from up ahead as she turned to look at me, her lips pressed into a tight frown as she tried and failed to hold eye contact with me.

"No one." I said simply watching as Camilla looked towards Chloe for answers instead.

"Hey look Camilla! There's a bat!" I said pointing up at the sky amongst a clearing in the trees before Chloe could utter a word. I watched as Camilla gasped, her eyes leaving us to search the skies once more. She squealed and took Loki's hand again as she began obsessing about the bats again.

I breathed a sigh of relief which turned into a grimace as I looked at Chloe's disapproving face. 

"Sometimes I wonder why I'm your friend." She muttered, giving an eye roll and blanketing us in silence. I let out a quiet sigh, knowing she was right in her judgement and disapproval.

The rest of our journey to Hailey's pack was quiet. The silence between Chloe and I seemed to stretch out, only filled by Camilla's excited laughter up ahead, and Casper and Cayden's soft whispers behind us.

As we reached the pack boarders, I could sense the tingle of magic up ahead. It was defiantly witch magic, bordering the pack's horizons and alerting those within of anyone unwanted trespassing onto their lands. I was still confused as to how Hailey had managed to gain help from the witches, one of the most diabolical of species in our world.

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