Chapter 27

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Casper's Point of View: 

Nate and I stumbled out of Camilla's house and walked down the streets. It was dark outside, the moon and stars illuminating our pathway as we made our way back to our house. It was a romantic night. There was a warm breeze blowing through the air, and crickets sang as Nate's warn palm guided my heart and body back to our house.

I don't know why he affected me so much, I had never thought of myself as sexually passive but Nate didn't seem to give me much choice in the matter. He was confident and daring and slightly cocky and knew exactly what he wanted and how to get it. I had no choice but to swim in his ocean and play by his rules. I acted like a list-driven omega with Nate... but I found I honestly didn't care. Nate and I fit together... despite our years of hostility and hate, we always had friction putting us together, electricity lighting up the fuel. We belonged together and I couldn't help but a feel a little unsettled that my birthday would come around and I'd be mated to someone else... someone who wasn't Nate. Nate had no idea who his mate is... there was always a chance he'd find them and leave me... and I'd never be able to convince him to stay.

I felt Nate squeeze my hand and looked up into his eyes. In the darkness, I could just make out the electric green as it exploded within my senses and made my heart beat out of existence. "Are you okay?" Nate asked me lightly, I could detect the hint of concern in his eyes and felt warmness seeping through my body. I had never liked over protective, over possessive people but Nate made me want it.

"I'm... fine." I said carefully, risking a glance back at him. "It's just... kind of disappointing that we're not... you know..." I gave a small, somewhat mood flattening smile and Nate seemed to hesitate. He opened his mouth as if to say something but closed it before he could. He squeezed my hand and smiled up at the stars.

"I'd like to believe things will work out the way they're supposed too... the moon goddess is smart, she knows what she's doing." He gave me a smile and I smiled back, though I couldn't stop the ache in my heart whenever I thought about mates.

"I'm kind of shocked your friend was mated to Kai." Nate murmured, kicking pebbles with his feet as we walked along the pathway. The silent enveloping the two of us and making out voices clearer and more pronounced. "I would never have guessed... Kailian always seemed like the kind of werewolf to end up alone..."

I nodded in agreement. I had always thought the same. Kai never wanted a mate, which was probably why he didn't bother telling Cayden the truth after his own 18th birthday. "They don't seem very similar to me." I said. "But who knows... it's not like I've ever gotten to know Kai..." I lowered my eyes and Nate nodded. "I knew his sister pretty well before..." Nate trailed off and shook his head. "She was lively, intelligent, very confident..." He gave a small chuckle and I lowered my eyes at him.

"Did you go out with her or something?" I asked encouraging Nate to let out a laugh which rang out through the night.

"Goddess no... we were friends... she always claimed her brother was different when it was just them... but who knows. Trauma changes people. Kai never got over Amelia's death..." Nate let the words fizzle out in the air and we walked in silence. I couldn't imagine losing Bree... she was my rock, my best friend, the person I trusted both... it would be horrible to lose someone like that.

I heard laughter up ahead and turned towards the noise to see my said twin stumbling along the pathway with her friends, bottles in their hands as they laughed over something their drunk minds had conjured. Brianna noticed Nate and I and paused, her bottle inches from her lips as she smiled and stalked over to us.

"Hi Casp." She slurred. She glared at Nate. "Hi Bate."

Nate raised an eyebrow. "Bate?"

"It's an insult." Bree said with a glare. Nate snickered under his breath, and I elbowed him to shut him up.

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