Chapter 2

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Casper's P.O.V: 

I walked into school the following day still feeling annoyed at Nate and how he managed to one up me again the day before at the try outs. Nate had taken my thing and made it his in less than half an hour... the way he always did. A part of me still felt as if Nate had tripped me up on purpose. But it didn't make any logical sense. Nate was behind me. He didn't touch me once. He couldn't have tripped me over even if he wanted too, which I knew he did. Unless he just willed it and somehow, by some magical means unknown to me, it worked? It sounded stupid even to me and I was the one thinking it.

I sighed and shook the thoughts away as I noticed my best friends sitting on a table talking and waiting for me. Camilla waved me over and I slowly joint them taking a seat beside Cayden.

"I assume you didn't get one?" Cayden asked.

I raised an eyebrow. "Get what?" I asked. I didn't know of any important events coming up. I also wasn't aware of any parties that I was anticipating any invitation too. Not that I was ever invited to parties... my sister was and I just sometimes tagged along to make it look like I did have a life outside school. 

Cayden looked at Camilla who pulled out a white envelope. I could tell the material was expensive and the design very deluxe. I could make out a scrawny scribble on the front that didn't go with the expensive aesthetic of the envelope at all. As Camilla passed me the envelope I easily recognized it to be Nate's hand writing. I scowled at once, the thought of Nate making me mad.

"What is it?" I deadpanned.

"An invitation." Camilla rolled his eyes.

"He's having a birthday party." Cayden explained. "He invited Camilla for some random reason." He gave her an uncertain look and Camilla laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Shocker, right?" She asked.

"I'm not gonna be invited." I said.

"Maybe." Camilla said. "I saw him give one to Bree. She ripped up the envelope and threw it in the chicken soup he was eating."

I smiled. That sounded like my sister.

I looked around the rest of the school and noticed that many people in our grade seemed to be carrying the white envelopes with the same messy hand-writing belonging to Nate. Nate was extremely popular, and his parties were always in the highest demand. Bree and I had snuck into one before, just to see what the hype and fuss was about. The whole thing consisted of horny teenagers kissing, drinking and grinding. It didn't seem like my cup of tea. I didn't drink, and I was saving all the other intimate and sexual bullshit from when I found my soul mate. I didn't want to experiment or explore beforehand. Brianna was the opposite. She was popular and always had boys falling for her. She entertained them until she got bored. Usually, it didn't take too long before Brianna got bored.

Good luck to her future soul mate. 

It was Brianna's life. She could do whatever she wished.  I would never judge her for that. Nobody should. 

The bell rang for classes and the three of us went our different ways. I breezed through my morning classes and met up with my friends again for lunch. All around me i could hear chatter about Nate's upcoming birthday party and coronation and it dimmed my mood dramatically. 

"I really hope he ends up alone." I said, biting into a chicken sandwich.

"Don't we all?" Camilla asked. "But honestly, as long as its not me, I'm happy."

Cayden laughed. "Can you imagine?" He asked teasingly. "You with Nathaniel Zaderial?"

Camilla scowled. "You're lucky you don't have to worry about it. You're not a girl. That's literally my biggest fear. We don't joke about fears."

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