Chapter 1

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Casper's P.O.V:

I stared at the large clock decorating the white walls of the cafeteria as it slowly ticked towards 2:00, signalling the beginning of last period. I could hear a heated conversation occurring between my two best friends, Camilla and Cayden but paid them no attention. Instead I focused my attention on the reeky, loud and noisy room full of students enjoying the impractical tragedy of what was lunch time. I hated lunch period. People crowding around, the scent of foul food everywhere, droppings of left-overs all over the ground, which were easily camouflaged on the obscene floors... leading to very embarrassing scenarios including tripping over a left-to-rot sandwich and ending up in the pool in front of the whole school and all your friends. 

Yes, It would be much more beneficial to have classes stacked without any breaks. We would be able to finish school earlier and have more time to ourselves. If we got hungry, we could bring snacks to class instead to eat as we please. Lunch was a disgraceful waste of time. At least it was in my opinion. For some reason, nobody ever agreed. 

"Even I don't agree!" My wolf, Sebastian stated. I could feel the mental eye roll. I ignored him. 

"Will you stop scowling at the stupid clock?" My friend Camilla asked. Her green eyes were steady and unapproving and her eyebrows were raised sceptically. "You're embarrassing me. You're embarrassing all of us." 

I didn't mention that we had no other friends. So really, we didn't have anyone to embarrass ourselves around.

"Relax Camile." My friend Cayden said. "He's not ranting to us about how stupid lunch break is today. Don't make him start."

I scowled at Cayden who raised an eyebrow at me in return. Camilla did the same.

"Camilla." She said pointedly, glaring at Cayden. "And... staring at a clock isn't going to make it go any faster! Trust me, I've tried. In literally every class... in fact, it seems to make time move slower." She lowered her eyes, focusing her attention on me.

Cayden smiled at her. "You know what would make time move faster? If you actually did your work during class.... What is it you do instead? Window gazing through other classrooms?"

Camilla sent Cayden a death glare. Her green eyes growing dark and heated, giving off an emerald glow. "Loki Matthews watches me too." She said coldly. 

I gave a small, amused chuckle and Cayden bellowed out a laugh. "Oh I'm sure.... What is it you said happened yesterday? You were making eye contact through the window and get this... he winked at you? Except, he didn't wink at you... he winked at Brianna Vale, who was sitting behind you, who Loki literally went on a date with after school that day." Cayden smirked. "You're stalkerish behaviour is really paying off... isn't it Camille? He doesn't even notice you when he's looking right at you." 

Camilla scowled and stood up. "Don't you dare call me Camille!"

I was amused that that  was what she decided to comment on from Cayden's statement. I quickly took myself out of the conversation sensing an argument. Camilla hated being reminded of her failures in enticing Loki Matthews. She also hated to be called Camile.

The three of us had gone to the zoo once when they were having a special event, showcasing a bunch of exotic animals you didn't find in the area. During the event, a Camel had escaped and went right for Camilla. It had chased her around the premises. Camilla had ended up shifting to escape and we had to hire some mind witches and warlocks to make all the humans forget what they saw. From that moment, Camilla had been terrified of the humped animal. Cayden made a show of calling her Camile to annoy her with the memory. They had a weird relationship. A part of me thought they were going to be mates. They had a peculiar chemistry with one another that seemed almost alluring and enticing. 

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