Chapter 13

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Nate's Point of View:

I was sceptical. Extremely sceptical. Loki hadn't noticed but I had zoned out of what he was saying long ago. As soon as I heard the words 'Fae attack' my mind had been driving in overload, trying to think of possible explanations. I had two explanations, both sounding very dangerous and grim. I really, really hoped what i was thinking was wrong. if I was correct, it would mean that I had played a part in this attack. I didn't want to think that way.

"Nate, you alright?" My friend Chloe asked in concern. I looked at her and gave her a fake smile.

"I'm amazing." I said. I stood up and hesitated. "I think we should check out the area." I said.

"Area? You want to go to the dead pack?" Loki asked.

"I want to see what happened for myself." I explained. "Maybe we can find something the others overlooked." I lowered my eyes. I had to know for sure that it really was Fae magic surrounding the area. If it was... I shook my head. I didn't want to think about that. I hoped my hypothesis was wrong on this one.

"We need to find a witch or warlock who would be willing to teleport us." I said. "Anyone know anyone?"

I knew several witches and warlocks, but we couldn't use someone from the pack otherwise we would all be caught. It was going to be difficult to find another that had no association with us and loyalty to Casper's parents.

"I might." Chloe said hesitating on her answer.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "How do you know someone?" I asked. Chloe wasn't a very social type. She also had a thing against magic, it had always creeped her out and scared her slightly. I didn't blame her. Many witches and warlocks abused their power. In saying that, they were not anywhere near as bad as the Fae.

"I met one once. At a party." Chloe said.

I raised an eyebrow at Chloe again. Chloe hated parties. She went to them as she was popular and had to keep up her image, but still... she wasn't the party sort. She didn't enjoy them and she hated drinking and mingling with strangers. I assumed she was trying to hide something, but I brushed it off.

"Can your friend meet us?" I asked.

Chloe nodded. "Are you guys hungry?" She asked.

I raised an eyebrow at that. Wondering what that had to do with anything

"Or course I am." Loki said.

Chloe smiled. "Good. Follow me." She walked up ahead, leaving Loki and I alone. I raised an eyebrow at Loki. "Is that suspicious?" I asked.

Loki snorted. "Chloe's always been secretive. She just values her privacy. That's all."

I rolled my eyes. I knew that. "Did Bree say anything else about these attacks?" I asked quietly, hoping Chloe couldn't hear as Loki and I walked along. "Anything you want to just tell me?"

Loki shook his head. "Just the whole Fae blood thing... and the murder thing." He lowered his voice slightly. "There's some talk about whether Hailey is responsible."

I bit my lip at that. I wasn't sure whether I hoped for that theory or my other one... the one too dark to reveal.

Chloe led us through the pack to the food court, stopping outside a local bakery located a few streets down from mine. It was a new bakery that had only been established recently. Most people though the idea was odd, as us werewolves preferred to eat meat. Still, it had been fairly popular.

The place was quiet when we stepped inside and the single bakery worker looked up at us, his eyes hardening as we approached.

"Can I help you?" He asked, taking a step back after giving us a quick once over.

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