Chapter 5

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Nate's P.O.V:

I stood in front of my bedroom window as I looked across at Casper's house. His bedroom was facing mine, but his window was almost always shut with blinds covering him from my sight. It wasn't like I had ever cared before, but now it was eating at me. The mate bond could make people do stupid things, for one, it could make you crave your enemy.

I had first-hand experience with that one.

I sighed and let my eyes trail away. The last thing I needed was to appear like a stalker. Casper had reason enough to hate me. I wasn't even sure what I was planning on doing with my new-found knowledge of the identity of my mate. There wasn't much I could do.

I defiantly had been feeling a pull towards Casper since my birthday, but I wasn't attracted to him in any fashion. I knew I would never be attracted to him. I craved him, but more in a way of seeking his recognition than emotional or sexual gratification from him. It was still hard to accept and digest. Casper knew something was wrong. Brianna knew something was wrong. My friends knew something was wrong... and I was no closer to finding a solution to my problems.

I looked up at the sky and sighed. "Why, why, why did it have to be me?" I muttered to myself, peering at the sky as if the Moon Goddess was somewhere listening to me. I could imagine her now, laughing at her twisted scheme and the agony and torture she had placed upon me. The same agony and torture was awaiting Casper too, but he still had almost a year before he would be turning 18. Casper and Bree were almost an entire year younger than me. They got moved up a grade to my own because of their so called 'intelligence'. Granted, Casper was smart, but Bree was just a smart-ass.

I walked out of my bedroom trying to shake away my disappointing thoughts. My wonder and confusement at how I could even be mated to Casper was redundant. We were mates, every time I saw him that was confirmed.

On my birthday, I thought maybe it had been a prank of some sort. How a prank like that could even be achieved was beyond me, but I had hoped that Casper had found a way to get back at me, and this was his method. Of course, it sounded naïve to think like that, even to me. No prank would be able to manipulate a mate bond... manipulate feelings. 

A few nights ago, when my friends had ambushed Casper at night, it became extremely clear that this was no joke. I could feel his emotions so clearly it was as if they were my own. His fear, anxiety, panic and desperation... and of course, I did the very un-Nate Zaderial thing, and saved him. If he didn't think something was up before then, he defiantly did now. In all my recent years, I could not remember one time I had ever done or said something nice to Casper Vale... not unless I was being sarcastic with my attempts.

I sighed, wondering what he had thought of my unusual attitude towards him. He would defiantly be pondering over it, and for some reason, I was happy at the thought of him thinking about me. In a platonic way, of course.

I walked out of my bedroom and gave my parents a tired smile as they chatted over breakfast. I hated having to wake up early. If it was up to me, school would be cancelled altogether, and I could spend all my time sleeping. When I was younger, and thought I was going to be Alpha, I had written a list of all the things I wanted to change. School had been at the top. Of course, my young self didn't realize that the educational system was one thing, that was unfortunately, out of my control completely. I didn't have to worry about any of that now though. Not now that Casper was going to be Alpha instead. I growled at the thought, anger bubbling up to the surface, threatening to be unleashed.

I had to keep that thought to the forefront of my mind whenever I tried to act differently to accommodate my bond with Casper. He stole my future, my career, my pack. He deserved my anger and hostility, not my love, protection, and affection. Casper may be my mate, but in no circumstance would he be my life.

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