Chapter 52

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Nate's Point of View: 

I had really hoped I wouldn't have to come back here. Standing here, looking at my father's kingdom amongst the deceiving flowers and chilly air, an unsettling sense of doubt gnawed at my skin like a persistent ache. A knot of dread coiled in my stomach as I slowly approached the front door with Loki by my side. Unlike me, Loki seemed fascinated with the Fae meadow. It was a pretty place, blanketed with urethral beauty and a dwindling sense of magic and excitement. The fae however, were anything but beautiful. They may have stunning features; moving with graceful fluidity, delicate curves, perfectly angled intense eyes that drew you in, flawless skin that captivated your gaze with a mesmerising allure... but inside, they were anything but.

Whenever I came back to this village, memories of past I'd long tried to forget swarmed like ghosts through my mind. Not even the enchanting trees, entrancing wildlife or transfixing forest paths could camouflage the dread running through my veins at being back.

My father's kingdom was situated in the centre of the Fae meadow. It was nestled amidst the verdant foliage like an almost hidden sanctuary hiding the evil that lurked within. Regardless, I knew I had no choice. My father might be the only individual powerful enough to take on Hailey and I needed all the help I could get. Casper and Brianna's birthday was creeping up like a shadow in the twilight, slowly enveloping us in its looming presence, and the amount of days we had left to come up with a plan were dwindling slowly.

"He's not going to kill you." Loki said from beside me. Like always, Loki could never fully comprehend the gravity of a situation until you were looking death in the eye.

"I know he's not... but you don't know my father like I do... he doesn't give away favours for free. He's going to want something." I murmured.

"Yes, and what's the worst he could want?" Loki asked. "He isn't going to ask for your life. Chloe is his eldest daughter so she's the one going to be stuck doing your death ritual thing, and Casper and Bree are no where to be seen." He shrugged. "Your odds seem pretty favourable to me."

I nodded. Loki was right to an extent. For the moment, I was safe from the heir ritual. Still, I highly doubted Chloe would want to complete the ritual either. She had zero relationship with our father. Dying so that he could remain in power was not something she was likely to ever want to do.

"I have a question." Loki said as I knocked on the door. I looked up at my friend and he seemed lost in contemplation. "Do we call Chloe, Chloe or Jade now? Like, I've called her Chloe most of my life. I don't think I can just switch it up, you know?"

"I don't think that's a worry at the moment." I said as the door swung open to relevel my half-sister, Rosaline. Her sharp eyes took me in as she studied me closely. She appeared mildly surprised to see me.

"Hello gorgeous." Loki said with a wink. "Are you a fairy? Because every time I see you, my world is filled with magic." He gave Rosaline what I assume he thought was a dazzling and charming smile. She gave him an offended, disgruntled look in return.

It took all my will power not to whack my friend over the head.

"Why did you have to bring him with you?" Rosaline hissed out to me, her eyes were angry as she gave me an unimpressed look. I gave her a guilty shrug.

"Come on! It was a compliment!" Loki said from beside me and my sister cast her stern eyes back onto him.

"Girls like me have to deal with boys like you every day." Rosaline said frostily. "I get cat called, whistled at, and complimented by dick heads on a daily basis. I assure you it is not a compliment when boys treat me like a piece of mate to ogle."

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