Chapter 42

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Nate's Point of View: 

When I envisioned this trip, it didn't include me, standing on the edge of a lake, dripping wet and saturated with water, watching Casper running off to get as far away from me as possible. It didn't include arguments, or fights, or brutal words thrown about to get under each other's skin. It didn't include flirting and girls named Ivy who came about and ruined everything.

I groaned at my own stupidity.

How could I have let this happen?

I could hear Chloe's voice in my head, chastising me about how I should have kept my mouth shut and pushed Ivy away as soon as she came onto me. I shook that voice away. No matter how correct it might be, I didn't want to deal with that truth now.

I was so stupid. So, so stupid. My head was pounding and my vision was still blurred from my intoxicated state. Walking in a straight line was proving difficult. I was surprised I had made it out of the water alive and without drowning after I stupidly jumped in after Casper. Swimming had never been a strong skill of mine... but swimming after three shots of vodka and a pornstar martiniti was even more difficult and exceptionally dangerous.

"I'm so stupid!" I yelled out at the sky, staring at the blurry stars above. "What do I do? He hates me! Casper hates me!" My voice cut off and I clenched my eyes shut. "I'm so stupid." I mumbled to myself. "You're an idiot Nate. A fucking stupid idiot." I slurred out the words, tearing out the grass underneath me as I brooded in my self-pity.

"You might be an idiot but I highly doubt the grass is at fault." A voice said to my right and I quickly looked up to see a man and woman approaching.

I hastily stopped my actions, glancing up at the couple through my blurry eyes as I struggled to take them in. "Who- who are you?" I asked, trying to focus on the people before me. The couple were looking down at me with amused glances. They both had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes that almost pierced the skin. They were staring at me curiously, venturing through the city as if they were in need of a sorrow-filled loner to appease their boredom. I would have thought them siblings but they were holding hands tightly. 

"So why exactly are you an idiot?" The girl asked, her eyebrows raised in speculation and eagerness as she came and sat beside me with her partner doing the same.

I sighed, closing my eyes and leaning back against the rugged tree.

Was I desperate enough to tell my life's story to a couple wondering human strangers next to a dark and deserted lake?

The answer was yes.

Minus the werewolf and Fae and witches parts, of course.

The two blondes, who I came to know as Gerald and Madeline, turned out to be good listeners. They gave me their abrupt attention and nodded and gave murmurs of acknowledgement as I spilled out the long and deranged timeline that was Casper and I's relationship. When I finished, the three of us sat in unwavering silence, watching the waves ahead of us cascade against the pavement.

"I'm an idiot." I mumbled again, feeling shit now that I had spent everything out.

"Yeah you are." Madeline said, crossing her arms and giving me a contemplative look. "I'm kind of surprised he's still with you after all that, not gonna lie."

"I think one thing's obviously clear." Gerald said studying me intensively. "You really need to stop drinking. You became an absolute nut case whenever you do."

"I'm an adult." I stated.

"An adult whose going to be left single." Madeline shrugged and gave me a matter of fact look and I groaned at the sky.

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