Chapter 25

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(Warning: This chapter does get a little spicy towards the end . Read with Caution hahaha! (devil emoji). (P.S- i literally don't have emojis on my computer. i really need to get some haha). 

Casper's Point of View: 

"Where are we going?" I asked Nate as he took my hand, heading in the opposite direction of the White Woods.

He smiled as he looked at me, green eyes turning slightly transparent in the sunlight. "If I told you, it'd ruin the surprise." He gave me a wink and pulled me along the roads. It soon became apparent to me that we were going to be leaving the pack. I didn't stray away from the pack often, usually only for school. My parents expressly forbade me and Bree from exploring the human world without them. They didn't trust us (or mainly Bree) to not blow the whole werewolf secret.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked Nate as we walked outside the transparent bubble surrounding the pack and concealing it from the humans. It was created with witch magic, with the purpose of keeping us well separated from the humans. If any humans were to stumble across parklands, they would see a wreckage surrounded by barbed gates preventing any entry. The odd human or two did wonder in every once in a while, but with witch magic, memory modification was easy, so it was never too much of a hassle to us to erase the incident from the minds of the adventurous humans.

Nate lightly chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Goddess, I keep forgetting how much of a goody-goody you are. Just relax and trust me kay?"

"Have you met my parents? It's not my fault I'm a goody-goody." I said.

Nate just smiled and shook his head. "Brianna proves the falsity of that statement."

I smiled and rolled my eyes. I couldn't deny that.

We walked for roughly another half an hour, talking about nothing and everything before we struck civilization. The humans looked busy, scattering around their tall buildings and talking in rushed, anxious voices. Nate and I received a few questioning looks as we passed but Nate would just glare, and the humans would pass on.

We made it past the main city, walking towards the backstreets, towards a short cut I recognized from my childhood. "Are we going to the beach?" I asked Nate as we pushed through a few branches and twigs towards a hidden pebbled path. As children, Nate, Bree and I snuck down to the beach whenever our parents were away on conferences or had big meetings. Bree and I used to love hanging out into the water whilst Nate watched us from the sand, always refusing to come in.

"Are you still scared of water?" I teased as we walked the familiar path, hidden amongst the trees.

Nate rolled his eyes. "I was not scared of water okay? I just didn't want to get wet."

I laughed. "Right. Yes. Because of your irrational fear of getting wet and messing up your hair."

"Excuse you, but my hair is perfect even when I'm wet." Nate chided, making me laugh. "Besides, we're not going to the icky watery part of the beach. We're going to the restaurant on the beach." He said.

I smiled. "Yeah, we'll go to the restaurant first... but it's a nice day and I want to go in the water."

"Well, you'll be doing that alone." Nate said simply, giving me a half smile. I found myself smiling back and lightly pushed him as we walked the remainder of the way to the restaurant. We snagged a table on the balcony, overlooking the ocean and I smiled as I took in the beautiful scenery down below.

"How can you fear water? I mean, look at it. What's not to like?" I asked Nate who shuddered and shook his head.

"Well let's see. there's piss from almost every single sea creature down there, and we're basically swimming in it." Nate ranted as I rolled my eyes. "I mean, gross! There are also stupid seashells on the sand hiding stupid crabs which jump out at you and bite you, and the stupid seashells themselves are so sharp they can cut you! Then you start bleeding and the water around you starts to turn red as blood pours out of your foot and of course it's really painful so you grip your foot and try and hold it above water level which makes you look like an idiot, and then you trip over and almost drown as you fall onto your face, right into the fish piss, and then you're absolutely freezing as you stand on the sand with a useless towel waiting for your parents to come and take you home so you can never come back again."

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