Chapter 8

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Casper's Point of View:

"Casper get up!"

I opened my eyes to see my twin standing over me with a pillow she was two seconds away from using to attack me.

"What?" I muttered trying to stifle a yawn.

Bree frowned. "This is the second time in a week I have seen you wake up late." She said. "Is something on your mind?"

I paused, debating what I should tell Brianna. After we had gone to Nate's house for dinner two nights ago my mind had been in a whirl. He had found my snake. My pet snake my parents got rid of many years ago due to Brianna's hatred of anything alive that wasn't at least partially human.

I had taken Noodle back to my house in secrecy that night, determined not to lose him again. He was currently hiding under my bed, being discrete as Brianna ridiculed me for still being asleep.

"I'm fine... just a long few days." I said standing up. Brianna didn't look convinced but she let it go.

"Get ready. We need to go." She muttered, shooting me one last quizzical look before walking out of my room. I rolled my eyes, throwing on some clothes before joining the rest of my family downstairs. My parents were lounging on the couch, laughing together whilst Brianna was munching on a fruit bar.

I took one for myself as well and Brianna and I made our way to school. We didn't talk much, Brianna being on her phone the whole time. I assumed she was either texting Loki or her friends.

We walked through the gates and someone at once shouted Bree over. I bade my sister a goodbye before going off to search for my own friends.

I found Camilla and Cayden hanging in our usual spot. We weren't all too popular at school so we liked to find exclusive spots that were harder to come by. Usually we hung out under a tree besides the old English building that was currently being renovated.

As I joint them, I was surprised to see they weren't arguing like usual. Instead they seemed to be in friendly conversation. "Are you guys feeling okay?" I asked as I approached, flicking my eyes between the two of them.

Camilla only rolled her eyes as Cayden grinned. "Camilla just told me I was right." He exclaimed.

"I'm going to need more context" My wolf, Sebastian stated. I silently agreed. 

Camilla scowled at once. "Of course I did! We were talking about pizza topics for goodness sake!"

I raised my eyes between them. Their moment of peace and civility didn't last long. "Do I want to know?" I asked.

Camilla rolled her eyes. "We were talking about food and we got onto the topic of Pizza. Cayden said peperoni was the best and-"

"She said I was right. Camilla has never once said I've been right before. Not about anything!" Cayden seemed delighted at the fact but I knew he was doing it to piss off Camilla. It seemed to have the intended affect as she glared at him.

Luckily the bell sounded signalling the start of first period, robbing Camilla of her chance to argue back. The three of us had chemistry that period. One of the two classes we had together. As I was in most of the AP classes, I didn't have many classes with my friends. Chemistry... I wasn't good enough for AP Chem, so I had class with Cayden and Camilla and the rest of the average students. 

We walked to class, me at the front as Camilla and Cayden bickered behind me.

We were the first ones to class and we took the table at the back, usually reserved for the 'cool kids'. Neither me, Camilla or Cayden could be classified as 'cool' but it was an insanely small class so we took the table anyway.

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