I Can't Lead

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis

Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

IT WAS five o'clock in the morning Tuesday morning, Jared had waken up from sleep. He got gotten dressed and head downstairs.

He was the first one up.

He went into the kitchen and noticed the trash needed taken out. Mentally groaning, he grabs the heavy bag and lugged it outside to the trash can outside. He returned inside to begin on breakfast.

He did a lot of housework since his dad is a surgeon at Clover Hill Medical Center, and that mental his dad was gone a lot.

His schedule was whacked out.

Jared was cooking breakfast as his dad comes downstairs, Jared hears this and pours a cup of coffee into a coffee mug. He place the plate of bacon and eggs as well as the coffee on the table. Jared had placed the morning paper on the table for his dad to read.

First thing Jared hears when his dad entered the kitchen was a sigh.

"You need to stop this son," Said his dad.

Jared turned his head to look at his dad.

Doctor Ryan Scott, a respected man in the world of medicine and yet mocked because of his "crazy" wife. Ryan had light brown hair and blue eyes, he wore his scrubs and had his pager on him. He had dark circles under his eyes, which is due to the stress at work and his worry over his family.

"Stop what?" Jared asks calmly.

"This, you're eighteen years old and you've been taking care of us since your mom was sent off." Ryan said.

His mother was a touchy subject even at home.

Jared ignored his dad and returned to the work he was doing. Jared went into the laundry room, which was near the kitchen and started to do some laundry.

He placed the colors in the washing machine. Then he pulled out the jeans that were in the dryer. He was folding them and placing them in the basket.

"Jared," Ryan said.

Jared ignored his dad, he was too focused.

Ryan knew he wasn't going to stop his son from this. Ryan sighs and then hears his pager beep, which that got Jared's attention.

Ryan stands up and gathers his things, and spots his oldest son in the kitchen once again.

"The hospital is needing me early. I'll see you later tonight." Ryan said.

Jared nods, "Yes sir."

"Tell Brooke I said I love you." Ryan said and left the home.

Jared nods again.

Jared hears his dad's car drive off and then Jared returns to his daily schedule.

He finishes the laundry, then he puts them away. He then goes and wakes up his younger sister, Brooke. Once she was awake, Jared returned to the kitchen to cook her breakfast. He cooked her favorite, blueberry pancakes in the shapes of Mickey Mouse. Sure, Brooke was thirteen but she is still a Disney kid.

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