Not Just A Clown

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Red: Jared Scott

Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan

Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

IN HOMEROOM Omar sat at his seat, across from his spot was his fifteen year old sister. Beth was sitting by her friends, giggling about some guy they were all crushing on.

Omar wanted to be taken seriously by his sister, but instead she thinks of him as a clown. It's not just her, its also his friends. Jared entered homeroom and noticed the frown on his friend's face.

"Everything okay, bud?" Jared asks.

Omar turns to Jared, "Jared, can I be taken serious?" Omar asks.

Jared placed his backpack on the desk as he leaned against his desk.

"Probably. Why?" He spoke.

Omar sighs, "It seems like my own sister, friends, heck even you can't take me seriously." Omar said.

Jared sighs, "I never said you weren't."

Omar glances up at his friend, "But you implied."

Jared was about to say something when their homeroom teacher entered.

"Everyone take your seats and allow me to take role call before the tardy bell." The teacher said.

Omar had zoned out from what was going on.

He didn't hear the last names with the letter A be called, not even the letters B through D. So when their homeroom teacher was going through the letter E, it was no surprise that Omar had not heard his name being called. Expect Jared did, he nudged his friend.

"Omar Ellis," The teacher spoke.

Jared nudged Omar, Omar yelped as he snapped himself out of his daydream and collapsed onto the floor.

The students in the classroom were laughing at Omar, whereas Beth groans as her brother goes and makes himself a fool in front of her.

Omar glanced up at Jared, who shrugs and gives him mouths the word sorry. Omar didn't hold it against his friend, he was trying to get his attention.

"Here." Omar says as he climbs back up on his chair.

The teacher continued through the list.

Jared turned to Omar, "You okay?" He asks.

Omar placed his head on his desk.

"Is today over yet?" Omar asks.

Jared frowns and turns away from his sadden friend.


JENNY MET up with the boys as they were heading to English class.

Jared was practically dragging Omar out of homeroom and into the hallway. Jenny seemed confused about this, but ignored it as Jared just shakes his head about it. Jenny follows her cousin and friend into their English classroom.

Inside the classroom was KZ and Hunter, the two share homeroom so they just walked from homeroom to the classroom. Jenny sat next to KZ, KZ sat next to Hunter, Hunter was next to Omar, Omar was next to Jared. Jared sat closest to the window and Jenny sat closer to the door.

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