Clash Of Green And Red

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Red: Jared Scott

Blue: Omar Ellis

Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

THE RANGERS were in "The Batcave" during their Saturday morning training, they were being monitored by Alpha while Adam was teaching a class upstairs.

Omar was sparring with KZ, only to find himself failing and being knocked down by her. Jenny cheered for KZ, as she ran over and hugged her new friend. Jared held his hand out to help Omar up.

Omar chuckled lightly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I didn't want to seem like a jerk, can't hurt a girl." Omar laughed through it.

Jenny shakes her head, "As if. Y- You were beat far and square." Jenny smiles.

KZ nods, "My girl knows what's up." KZ said.

Jared pats Omar's back, "Dude you gotta admit she had you beat." Jared said.

Omar frowns, "You too."

Hunter walks over with his arms crossed, "Okay that was a spar now can I kick the crap outta someone?"

Alpha waved his robotic arms, "Ay! Ay! Ay! Hunter, we do not hurt each other. We're friends and sparring is a way to learn how to improve." Alpha said.

Hunter rolls his eyes, "Yeah whatever. I don't care." Hunter said.

KZ crosses her arms on her chest, "You don't need to be a jerk."

Hunter groans, "Like I care." He said.

Jared stepped in the middle of it, "Guys. Calm down, seriously." Jared said.

Hunter chuckled, "What are you going to do? You are a terrible leader, sure we've defeated one monster but you've allowed Drago to escape two times now!" Hunter shouted.

Omar snapped, "Hunter!"

Jared glares back, "Think you can lead better?" Jared asks.

Hunter nods, "Hell yeah!"

Jenny shakes her head, "G- Gu- Guys." She stuttered.

Hunter glares at Jared, "I could totally fight battles with more leadership than a son of a psycho!"

Omar went to pull Jared back, but too late. Jared tackled Hunter onto the ground and he threw a punch one his face, before he was pulled off by Omar. Jared was lashing and trying to pulled himself out of Omar's hold.

Jenny gasped and KZ just shook her head with disappointment, Alpha hid behind his robotic hands with worry. Hunter leaned forward to sit up, he saw how angry and how red Jared was.

"At least I wasn't the son of the town drunk!" Jared screamed.

Hunter rose quickly, "You shut your mouth before I punch you in the face!"

Jared pushed Omar off of him, "Bring it!"

Hunter got into a fighting stance, "You asked for it!"

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