Hunter's Demons

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson



"What the hell, Andrea!" Shouted an angry Thomas.

In the Jacobson household it was just a typical night. A young Hunter grabbed his brother's hand and dragged him to his bedroom, Daniel was too young. He barely understood what was going on but Hunter knew. Hunter heard a shatter and a scream as he closed the bedroom door. Hunter closed his eyes and took in a deep breathe.

"Hunter, what's going on?" A small Danny asked from his bed.

Hunter turned to his brother, "Go to bed."

Daniel watched as his brother left the bedroom and shut the door behind him. He hears more shouting and yelling. It was the alcohol, which was what he heard every time his parents fought.

"I look like a joke! Why are you telling your sister about our life?" He yelled louder.

"Thomas! You need help!" Finally Andrea yelled.

A slap. Then silence. Hunter stood in the hallway in utter shock. His parents shouted, his parents threw things, but they never hit. Not once.

"I don't need your help! I didn't need a family! I don't need those clingy little brats!" Thomas yelled.

Andrea then screams back, "Those are your children! And if you truly feel that way, then get the hell out of here!" She screamed.

Hunter heard the sound of something behind thrown, he peaked around the corner and saw his mom throwing clothes at Thomas. Then a bag, she was yelling for him to get out. Thomas stood there and collected his things, upon getting what he needed he reached the door that left from his bedroom to see his eldest son standing there.

"Dad-?" Hunter spoke.

Thomas shakes his head, "Not anymore, brat."

Thomas reached into his jacket pocket for his whiskey and stumbled out of the house. Hunter turned around to see his distraught mom, she was crying on her bed. Hunter opened the bedroom door and walked in, he crawled up on the bed and placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and didn't even realize Hunter had heard or seen the entire thing.

"Hunter-," She spoke.

Hunter hugs her, "We'll be okay."

It was after that moment, Hunter's life changed. He grew up.


HUNTER STOOD across the street, he wore a baseball cap and sunglasses on. He peaked from behind a tree trunk to look across the street. 

Stepping outside of the 24 hour laundry mat was Thomas Jacobson, he was back in town and somehow got a job in the time returning to his former home. 

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