Kids Of The Future

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Red: Jared Scott

Blue: Omar Ellis

Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

IT WAS a usual Tuesday at Clover Hill High. The students entered their first period class, which for the five rangers was Mr. Nelson's English class.

They had literally finished the book Of Mice and Men, so Mr. Nelson decided that the class would talk about important things that occurred throughout the book. Address the themes and symbols to mostly see who paid attention to the book and how didn't.

"So who can explain to me the symbol of Lennie's and George's farm?" Mr. Nelson asks.

No one dared to raise their hand. Omar glanced to Jared, he knew the answer of course Jared knew it. This comes from the guy who probably reread it a third time that week.

Jared instead, kept his head down to look at his desk. Omar nudged Jared, but instead of getting Mr. Nelson to notice Jared. Mr. Nelson noticed Omar.

"Mr. Ellis, what do you think the symbol of the farm is?" Mr. Nelson asked again.

"Uh- A way to escape from the Depression." Omar guessed.

"How so?" Mr. Nelson asks.

Omar shrugs, "I don't know. I guess, the farm was like hope for the two."

Mr. Nelson smiles, "Correct. The author set the farm up like a paradise for the two gentlemen, a place to live their lives. It represented freedom, self-reliance, and protection." Mr. Nelson said.

Then a girl raised her hand, "So the farm was nothing but a pure dream then?"

Mr. Nelson turned to the girl, "With enough hope anything is possible."

Mr. Nelson turns away from the class and then walks to the chalk board, he begins to write something down for the class to write down for notes regarding the test after reading the book.

"How about someone explain to me the predatory of human existence?" Mr. Nelson asks.

Again not a single hand was raised. Omar glanced back at Jared, he knew the answer yet he kept his head down.

Mr. Nelson asked a few students who didn't know the answer, so Mr. Nelson turned his attention to the row with the rangers in it again.

"Mr. Jacobson, how about you give it a shot?" Mr. Nelson asks.

Hunter glanced at Mr. Nelson, "That humans are dickheads?" Which got the class to laugh.

"Mr. Jacobson you will not use that kind of language in class." Mr. Nelson said.

Hunter shrugs, "Sorry teach."

Mr. Nelson turns and spots Jared, "How about you Mr. Scott?"

Jared glanced up, "Um- it teaches us the grim lesson about the nature of human existence, you know. Most of all the characters have some kind of profound sense of loneliness and isolation, so they desire a friend of some need. Though the characters are rendered by their isolation and they seek to destroy those who are weaker to be less weak." Jared said.

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