Graduation Part 2

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

THE FOOTBALL field was littered with dinobots. The former rangers turned mentors ran into battle. Adam, Conner, and Kira ran in together. The Green Zeo Ranger slashed his hatchets at the dinobots, which generated sparks off the dinobots sending them into an explosion. 

The two veteran Dino Thunder Rangers stood back to back, nodding at one another before going in. Kira used her Ptera scream, a power she hasn't used in a long time. The scream got the dinobots were stumbing around because the sonic scream had affected their hearing.

"Nice work," Adam said as he slashed his hatchets at other dinobots.

Kira nods at Adam. Then Kira arms herself with her Thundermax Saber and slashed down the dinobots coming her way. Conner kicked some of the dinobots out of his way, he punched one dead in the face before he turned to glance at Kira and she nodded at him. 

He uses his T-Rex speed to quickly charge through a row of dinobots coming near Kira and Adam, and was armed with his Thundermax Saber. When Conner slashed his way forward near Kira and Adam, there was a large explosion following the attack the Red Dino Thunder Ranger had done.

Kira smiles underneath her helmet, "Looks like someone is trying to be a hero."

Conner chuckles under his breathe, "Did it impress you?"

Zara came in from behind and slashed the dinobots near them with her blade, "Less talking more fighting!"

Kira and Conner nods and join in with the others, which is what Adam had done.



Jared tighten his fist, "Ripto."

Ripto points at them, "This is it! Your race will fall!" Ripto yells.

Hunter steps in, "Not a chance!"

Gwen nods, "We'll defeat you!"

KZ nods.

Jenny points her blaster at the lizard monster, "We are Power Rangers!"

Artie nods, "And we never give up!"

Omar nods.

Jared stepped forward, "No matter what happens, we are not going to fall. You are." He said.

Ripto chuckles, "We'll see about that."

Just like that, Ripto charged with such speed. Ripto's elbow hit the back of Jared's neck, which sent him flying forward. The Red Ranger rolled on the ground before the force had slowed his body down.

 Hunter and Omar exchanged looks and nod. 

Hunter holding his knives slashed his blades at Ripto, but Ripto blocked Hunter with his own blade. Omar went in from behind and went to stab Ripto with his spear. Ripto turned around and used his other hand to stop the spear.

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