Got The Blue

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Red: Jared Scott

Blue: Omar Ellis

Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

IT WAS Saturday morning, and the rangers were volunteering with other seniors to help clean up and make the Youth Center in Clover Hill look nice. Monitoring them were adults who were in charge of the Youth Center, one of the adults was Adam.

The rangers noticed that Adam was friendly with an African American women, they seemed to have some kind of history between them. Jenny and KZ were with a smaller group, painting the wall to remove all the spray paint. Hunter, Jared, and Omar were in a group that was cleaning up the trash surrounding the building.

Omar tossed a paper ball that was on the ground into Hunter's bucket. Hunter turned to the Blue Ranger, giving him a look. While Omar just impressed that he made the shot.

"I think mister Omar Ellis should try-out for the basketball team this year." Omar said talking about himself in the third person.

Jared couldn't help but smirk, "Sure Omar can handle that?" Jared asks.

Omar made a face at his best friend, "Stop that. Besides, we've been playing at the park near our place since we were ten. Heck, you should try-out." Omar said.

Jared shakes his head, "Eh not my thing." Jared said as he picked up some trash.

Omar frowns, "Come on. We have to do something together for our senior year." Omar said.

Jared turns to Omar, "We do enough together anyways." Jared said.

Hunter walks over, "You two are glued at the hip. You sure there isn't more going on?" Hunter teased with a grin.

Jared grins and shakes his head.

Omar threw some trash at the Green Ranger, who only chuckled.

Jared backed off, as Omar and Hunter were throwing trash at each other.

The staff began to run over, which got Jenny and KZ's attention. Jenny smiles softly while shaking her head, she mutters something to KZ.

Omar looks up to see Jenny and KZ looking at them, he sees KZ wave and he waves back only to see she was waving at Jared.

Omar turned to see Jared have his soft smile on his face, this got Omar unaware that Hunter dumped his trash can over top Omar's head.

"Okay, Ellis and Jacobson enough!" Shouted a staff member.

Omar and Hunter were separated, and as Omar was walking to a different group he noticed how Jared smiled as KZ walked over. The two were talking, and by their body language they seemed to have some kind of connection. Omar frowns and just sulks as he walks away.


AT SMOOTH Grove, the rangers were sitting at a booth on the other end of the smoothie place. The place was an ideal hanging out place for teenagers, with great music and old school arcade games. In the booth the guys sat on one side as the girls sat on the other side. The waiter had come over with their smoothies, he placed it on their table and walked away.

"What kind of smoothie is that?" KZ asks Hunter.

"It's mango kale, and it's good." Hunter said.

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