Saving Relena Part 1

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

A KNOCK on the door of a hotel door. Opening the door was Zane Daniels, he was standing by the door looking at Tia and Zara. He motioned for them to enter, which the two girls did. Upon entering the room they noticed some familiar faces. Zara and Tia smiled at these familiar faces before Zane closed the door.

"So leader, why are we here?" Called out Carson Small.

The twenty-six year old Carson Small has remain the same old Carson Small, but physically has changed. His original dark brown hair has lighten up, and it was shorter than it was in high school, and his eyes still remain green. He was wearing a black hoodie with a grey t-shirt under the hoodie, black jeans, and black tennis shoes.

Zane turns to Tia, "The kids don't know you two are here?"

Tia shakes her head, "No."

Zara nods as well, "We told them we were meeting up with old colleagues." Zara said.

"So why did we get called, Zane?" Spoke Liz.

Liz Strong had just turned twenty-five and looked pretty much the same. The sporty girl remaining inside of her had her dark brown hair pulled back into a ponytail which made seeing her brown eyes easy. She was wearing a sport wear as well which was a white tank top, black shorts, and white tennis shoes.

"As I explained through the text something serious happened after Zack and I helped the Jurassic Black Ranger save their leader, his brother." Zane said.

"Wait something happened?" Spoke Rena.

The twenty-six year old Rena Rays-Daniel stood staring at her husband. Her black hair reached pass her shoulders with bangs across her forehead, but it didn't cover her chocolate brown eyes. She was wearing a grey crop top, black skinny jeans, black flats, and her metal pendant that remain around her neck.

"Is Jared alright?" Was Zara's first concern.

Zane nods, "Like I debriefed you and Tia, Jared is fine. I think he is even better than he was before, his self-esteem seems higher and his self-doubt is gone. However, that isn't the problem we are dealing with." Zane said.

"Then what is it man?" Spoke Tim.

Tim Porter had turned twenty-six a few months ago. Tim still had his shaggy brown hair but it didn't cover his hazel eyes. He was wearing a black t-shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers.

Zane sighs, "The villain the Jurassic Squad is familiar with Geena- she is actually Relena Murry." Zane said.

Everyone in the room gasped. Rena reached for her husband, placing a hand on his shoulder. She knew that the two use to love one an another, she had actually met Relena once and actually thought she was nice. Tia and Liz exchange sadden expressions. Zara was just surprised. Carson had pushed off the wall he was once leaning against and he glanced over at Tim.

"Wait- The Relena Murry you dated?" Carson asks.

Zane nods, "Yeah that's the one."

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