Emotions With Sound

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

THE BATCAVE,  Adam was with Zara. It was early that Monday morning, the teens and Tia would bee off to school since their break was over. Zara was sitting at the computer chair pressing buttons, while Adam had his hands on the back of the chair as he watched the young girl try to break the zord codes. Zara took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes, groaning with exhaustion Adam looked at her.

"You okay?" Adam asks.

Zara nods, "Yeah its just- the fire walls for these zords are insane. Who made these?" Zara asks.

Adam rubbed the back of his neck, "It was designed by Tommy and I but his friend, Hayley used the morphing coding to bring them together." Adam said.

Zara turns to face him in the chair, "So Hayley must have put some defense walls up in case of unwanted guest. So assuming she had made a few fire walls, some of them are fake just for show." Zara said and returned to the computer.

Adam leaned forward, "How would you know?"

Zara grins, "Its what I would do. I mean its genius, to pretend there are more guards keeping you out of what is meant as a secret." Zara said.

Adam nods, "I mean that makes sense. Think you can unlock the codes?" He asks.

Zara put her glasses on, "Today? No. But I should have it soon, that's for sure." She said.

Adam smiles, "I don't care if its not today as long as we get it soon." He said.

Zara grins as she types again, "I think I should start charging for ranger mentors calling for me for help. I mean first its Zane and now its you, next think you know I'll be called by Kira or something." Zara said.

Adam chuckles, "Don't count on it. Kira does have Hayley close by then calling someone from Meadowedge."

Zara shrugs her shoulders, "Hey can't help a girl for trying."


IN THE halls of Clover Hill High, the four rangers were standing outside their music classroom. KZ noticed her boyfriend walking with Artie, she was watching the younger brother to her boyfriend and noticed how he held onto his right arm like he was protecting it. She wasn't sure but something about it made her think it was too familiar, but she was snapped out of it by Jenny nudging her.

"You okay?" Jenny whispered.

KZ nods, "Yeah just day dreaming. I guess." KZ said.

Jenny nods, "Okay."

Omar sees Violet heading off to her ASL class and waves at her, Violet blows a kiss at him and continues on to her class. Jared and Artie fist bump and then they separated in differently direction. As Jared reached his friends, they all head into Miss Moore's classroom. Where their music teacher had set up the chairs in a huge circle for their presentations of their music project.

Hunter rolls his eyes as he sits down, "I can't believe he have to present this."

Omar turns to Hunter, "Did you expect us not to?"

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