The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

THIS FRIDAY for the students at Clover Hill High was closed, the police were continuing with their investigation relating to the staff keeping the bullying quiet and the involvement in the shooting in Reefside. So it was a day off for the students, who didn't seem to mind. Actually, a certain couple didn't care the most.

In the Walker home, in the bedroom of KZ Walker was none other than her and her boyfriend. They were sitting against the bed of the teenage girl, there were text books on their laps and Maroon 5 playing in the background. The two were studying for their final exams. Finals week was getting closer and closer, so the two decided to study. Though the two of them knew they were going to study.

KZ turns to Jared, "It's been forever since we've been together, alone." She said.

Jared peaked up from his text book, "Yeah."

KZ shuts the book and placed it next to her, "I mean. No brother, no sister, no friends, no parents. Just us." She said.

Jared glances at her, "What are you suggesting?" He asks.

KZ grins, "I don't know." She smiles.

Jared smirks. The two move toward each other. KZ's head tilts slightly to the left as Jared's head tilts slightly to the right. The two made it closer to the point their lips finally met. Jared held onto KZ's face with his right hand as he left hand stayed on the ground. 

KZ had both arms wrapped around Jared's neck. She leaned forward and Jared lost balance while trying to hold his own weight up, and the two just laid on the floor. Jared was staring up at his girlfriend, she was laying above him. The two began to blush at each other.

"Well," KZ giggles, "That happened."

Jared smirks, "Yeah it did."

KZ's shirt began to hang off her shoulder. Jared's gaze shifted when he saw something on his girlfriend's shoulder. He was a bit confused by this, and it was at this moment KZ saw her boyfriend's eyes wander. She sat up and pulled her sleeve up to cover her shoulder. KZ stood up as Jared sat up giving her a strange look.

"KZ?" He asks.

KZ awkwardly clears her throat, "Um- I think we've made some break through today." She said.

Jared awkwardly nods, "Yeah," He grabs his text book, "I'll see you at the dojo, later."

She nods.

Jared grabs his stuff and left her bedroom. KZ faked the smile until she frowns when he leaves. She walks to the mirror at her dresser and stared at her reflection. She sighs deeply.

"I've kept this secret for so long," KZ muttered, "Would he or the others be okay with it?"


JARED, ARTIE, and Gwen were walking to meet up with the rest of the group to head to the dojo. Artie and Gwen noticed the familiar silence from Jared, it was usual but the two expected maybe KZ to be walking with them. They were studying earlier and it would make sense for them to be walking together.

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