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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

OMAR AND Jared were sitting on the couch while Artie and Brooke were playing video games in KZ's living room. Artie and Brooke were facing off playing Grand Theft Auto Four, Brooke saw in the middle of a heist while Artie was in the get away car.

While the two siblings were playing the game, Omar and Jared glanced at each other and silently signed to one another. The pair were communicating quietly, ever since Omar had started to get better at signing with the collective help of Violet and Jared, the duo have been doing it as a way to have private conversations.

Just then there was a knock at the door. KZ appears out of no where to answer the door. KZ opens the door and reveals Gwen at the door, she has a big smile on her face.

"Hi!" Gwen said.

KZ forces a smile, "Hey."

"Can I come in?" Gwen asks.

KZ nods and moves out of the way, "Sure."

Gwen smiles and enters the house. KZ watches as the new girl joins the group. Gwen felt at home at KZ's home, which made KZ feel a bit annoyed about.

"Hi, guys." Gwen says smiling at them.

Brooke doesn't look up, "Hey."

Artie glances up with a smile, "Hi." He says before looking back at the game.

Omar and Jared look up at Gwen.

Jared has a smile on his face and so does Gwen.

"Hey," Jared says.

Gwen brushes her hair behind her ear, "Hi."

Omar waves, "Hey," He interjects.

Omar then nudges Jared, and as quickly as Jared looked at Gwen, he glanced back at Omar. Not only did Gwen notice this but so did KZ. Once Jared was giving Omar attention, the pair went back to singing in their private conversation.

"Are you two weirdos signing?" Gwen asks.

Artie glanced up, "They've been doing that for a while." He said.

Brooke nods, "Seriously cannot get them to stop."

Gwen grins as she jumps in between them, "Let me squeeze in here." She says.

Jared moves to the side as does Omar. KZ stands there for a moment before leaving to return back to the kitchen. In the kitchen Jenny was helping make snacks for the group, Jenny looks up to see KZ enter. KZ had a frown and Jenny noticed that. Jenny puts the knife down that she was cutting the cheese for the cheese squares.

"Everything okay?" Jenny asks.

KZ shrugs, "Yes- no. I'm not sure."

"Is this because of Jared staying here? I can ask my parents to let them move in for the week." Jenny said.

KZ shakes her head, "No. I caused this mess and I don't want him hating me." She says.

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