A New Threat

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker


Jared is wandering in some weird space. He thought he was alone, however that changed when he spotted a young boy.

"Hello, what's going on here?" Jared hears.

"Who are you?" Jared asks.

The guy looks at him, no older than Jared. Was fourteen years old, with brown hair and brown eyes. He looks at Jared, looking just as confused and concerned as Jared was.

"My name is Corey. Do you know what is going on?" Corey asks.

Jared stares at Corey, "Not a clue, my name is Jared by the way." Jared said.

All of a sudden, a window opens as a warrior spirit shows up. Corey and Jared share glances at each other.

"Okay, this is weird." Jared says.

Corey nods, "Yeah, it looks like a battle is going on." He said.

Jared wasn't sure how Corey knew that but he continue to stares in the direction Corey was. As they see the red ranger getting captured by an evil being, the two guys were stunned by this.

"Red Ranger of Rock and Red Ranger of Tyrannosaur, I am the Spirit of the Red Gladiator Warrior. As you can see from this window, the red ranger of the Spirit Warrior Power Ranger team has been captured by Zilenya and orders by Controdez. The rangers need your help in the rescue mission. I have feared that they have turned the Red Spirit Warrior Ranger evil. Come to Warrior Heights, there is not much time, hurry." The Spirit of the Gladiator Warrior said to them and then vanished.

Jared and Corey shared another glance before everything faded away.

-Dream Over-

Jared shot up in cold sweat. He stares at the wall in front of his bed, exhaling and inhaling. Trying to collect his thoughts, he slowly drifted his eyes to the night stand where his clock stayed. It was six o'clock in the morning. He groaned and then pulled himself out of bed.

"It's Thanksgiving break, might as well get ready for the day." Jared said.

The ranger got dressed and went down to the kitchen, he spotted the turkey sitting in the sink. It was close, Thanksgiving. It was going to be the first one with Artie. Jared rubbed his hand through his hair and then got a call on his phone, he saw the ID on his phone. It was Omar.

"Hello?" Jared spoke.

Jared smirked and nodded, he leaned against the wall in the kitchen.

"Yeah man, I'll be over." Jared said.

Jared hung up and then placed his phone in his pocket, he grabbed his jacket and then wrote a note for the rest of the family to know where he was. He placed it on the fridge and then grabbed his house keys, exiting out the back door. Jared began his walk down the block to Omar's house.


JARED KNOCKED on the door and answering it was none other than Sarah Ellis, Omar's mom. She had long black hair, blue eyes, tan skin, and was skinny. She was wearing a nice blue sweater, blue jeans, and slippers. She had a smile on her face when she saw Jared. She hugged him tightly.

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