What's Hidden In The Shadows

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Red: Jared Scott

Blue: Omar Ellis

Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

"I CAN'T believe we got invited to Justin's party." Said Omar.

Jared and Omar were hanging out in Jared's bedroom. The two were hanging out before the big Halloween party at Justin's house. Justin is a kid in their grade who always held amazing Halloween parties since they were all in elementary school. Though, year after year they were never invited until this year. Justin had came to the gang of rangers during lunch and handed them all invitations.

Jared shrugs, "I mean it's shocking." Jared said.

Omar was sitting on Jared's bed, "Shocking? Dude, this is amazing!"

Jared shrugs again, "And you dressing up? Like everyone else?"

Omar nods, "Of course. You have to dress up or you can't show up." Omar said.

Jared sighs, "Yeah well I don't really like costumes."

Omar eyes his friend, "This coming from the Power Ranger."

Jared shakes his head, "Shut up."

Knocking on the bedroom door and then opening it was Artie, "Hey. Oh hi, Omar."

Omar waves, "Hey man."

Jared turns to Artie, "What's up?"

Artie grins, "Well it looks like I am invited to this party too."

Jared gave his brother a look, "How? You don't even know Justin?"

Artie nods, "Yeah but this girl- um Christy invited me as her date." He said.

Omar and Jared exchanged looks, "Good luck with her." Omar said.

"Why?" Artie frowns.

Jared grins, "She can get possessive." Jared said.

Artie rolls his eyes, "Or maybe you're just trying to keep me from the party." Artie said.

Jared chuckles, "Oh believe me I'm not."

Artie left the bedroom and then Omar asks Jared, "What are you gonna be for the party?"

Jared shrugs, "Dunno."


JENNY AND KZ were at the Halloween store last minute for KZ.

"I can't believe we were invited to that party." KZ said.

Jenny nods as she lifts up a costume, "I know. It's just weird." Jenny said.

KZ made a face at the costume in Jenny's hands, "No. I am not dressing up like Catwomen."

Jenny pouts, "Why not?"

KZ shakes her head, "I do not do tights."

Jenny rolls her eyes, "Coming from the superhero."

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