Newer Ranger

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott

ADAM AND Zara sat in the Batcave, it was early that morning. Coming into the cave was none other than Tia, the rangers' music teacher. She was dressed ready for class, but she knew this had to be important to get a class by Adam before her first class. So Tia requested a sub come in for her first class, explaining there was some car troubles and she'll be late.

Tia walks over to the computers, "So what did Tommy say?" Was the first time Tia asks.

Adam looked at her, "He said the new energy source must have gone unnoticed. Hayley ran another scan using her software and the same results came up." Adam said.

"Another ranger?" Tia spoke.

Zara nods, "And from the information in front of me its a white gem." Zara said.

Adam nods and turns back to the computers, "Zara and I managed to have located the energy spot. So we'll be looking into that during the day." Adam said and pressed the button.

Tia looked at the screen and made a face, "Strange. Didn't you say the original five rangers found their gems at the high school?" Tia asks.

Adam nods, "Its where the crack in the ground came from. I had Zara use a backwards location set up to find the readings of where Artie's gem came from." Adam said.

"And?" Tia asks.

Zara spun in her chair, "Well it isn't genetically made like mine was. So I was able to use a formula I put into the computer to find a theoretical location on where Artie's gem would have been activated." Zara said.

Zara turned back around to her chair, began plugging in the numbers into her formula that she generated. Tia leaned over to look over her friend's shoulder at the computer.

"So while plugging in the variables, it seems that the location of Artie's gem was first established here." Zara said and on the map showed the hospital.

"Isn't that the hospital where Ryan, their dad works at?" Tia asks.

Adam nods, "Yeah. That's the one." He said.

Tia leans back, "This is weird. This is very strange." She said.

Zara turns around, "You're telling me. I can't get a solid read on this gem." Zara said.

"How come?" Adam asks.

Zara goes back to typing on the keyboard, "The locator seems to be behaving irrational. I'm not sure if the system is bugged or something is going on with the gem." Zara said.

Tia ponders over it, "Could the gem be moving. Like someone is already in contact with the gem."

Zara nods, "That could be the variable I'm not looking at." She said.

Adam then crosses his arms on his chest, "If that's the case, however is the next ranger has already been chosen and we haven't a clue who." He said.


WALKING DOWN the hallway was Artie, he was heading to history but then someone walks into him. Which caused him to drop his books on the ground, the other person just walked away. Artie rolls his eyes at the person's actions and knelt down to begin to pick up his books. Then he saw another hand reach down.

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