August 31st

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Red: Jared Scott

Blue: Omar Ellis

Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

-August 31th 2005-

Thirty-three year old Martha Scott was sitting in the living room, she was covered by her blanket and was sitting completely calm and utter relaxed. Entering the living room was eight year old Jared Scott. Martha saw her oldest and smiled at him, she saw him holding a book in his hands. Now this book was huge for this eight year to be carrying. Martha helped him out by holding onto the book as he climbed up on the couch to sit next to his mother.

"Jared, wouldn't you rather play video games with Omar?" Martha asks.

Jared shakes his head, "He's got a cold. Besides, you promised you'd read the next chapter."

Martha smiles, "That's right. You remembered." She says.

Martha opened the book where they left off and began to read, "Now King Arthur was a young boy when he became a king and most of the people in his kingdom did not believe he was ready to led a country on his own. However, with the aid of his loyal friend Merlin the young king was able to gain the confidence to lead the kingdom with pride."

Martha turns to her son and sees him smiling and looking at the pages.

-Present day-

JARED GLANCED at his desk in his bedroom and noticed an old book sitting there. It was the novel he use to read a lot as a kid, the King Arthur novel.

Jared had not really touched it much since he was little and so it just sits on his desk, he was lost in that sudden trance and memories as he walked over to his desk and touched the book.

He picked it up and stared at it, only to jolt when he heard someone knock on his door. Turning around Jared sees Brooke standing by the door.

"Hey, you have some friends over here." Brooke said.

Jared nods, "Okay."

Brooke noticed the book in his hands, "That's mom's old King Arthur book. I wondered what you did with it." She said.

Jared placed it down, "If you want to borrow it you can."

Brooke shakes her head, "I don't like mythical novels heck I am not much of a reader like yourself." Brooke said.

Jared exit his room with Brooke right behind him. She was telling Jared how she was going over to her friend's house to work on a science project, which Jared wasn't going to stop her.

He only requested for her to text him when she got to the friend's house. Brooke nods and heads out, Jared sighs after turning away from the front door and made his way to the living room.

"Hey, Jared!" Omar shouts.

Jared looks a bit confused, "What's going on?"

Jenny smiles, "Well we all thought since Adam gave us the day off that we go and see a movie."

Jared nods awkwardly, "Well have fun."

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