A Perfect Prom

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

ARTIE STOOD in front of the mirror in the bathroom, he was having trouble putting his tie on. He was growing annoyed each time he failed at this. Finally he huffed a deep breathe of frustration and then leaned against the sink in the bathroom.

Without him noticing, his father was standing over there.

"Need a hand, sport?" Ryan asks.

Artie turns, "Dad?"

Ryan walks over and takes the tie, "I could never manage putting a tie on. That's why Martha gave me a clip on." He said.

Artie nods, "I see."

Once Ryan finished he looked at his younger son, "So prom? You nervous?"

Artie shakes his head, "I went to prom at my old school last year." He said.

Ryan nods, "Sure but you're going with your brother and your girlfriend." Ryan said.

Artie snickers, "We'll manage." He said.

Ryan nods, "Yeah, you two have become quite close since the first day you moved in." Ryan said.

Artie nods, "Jared has become- he's become my best friend." Artie said.

Ryan smiles, "I'm glad."


A KNOCK at the Walker home, KZ quickly opened it. Revealing her date, her date's brother, and his date. Gwen wore a long form fitting white dress with a slit up to her knee, she wore heels making her a few inches taller than Artie, her hair was given some curls in her short brown hair, she wore silver make up, and even her nails were painted white. 

Artie wore a white suit and pants, his tie was black, and his shoes were also white. Jared wore a black suit and pants, his tie was a light pink, and his shoes were black.

"Gwen," KZ started, "You look pretty."

Gwen smiles, "Oh stop it. Besides, you look beautiful yourself." Gwen said.

KZ smiles, "I wouldn't say beautiful." She said.

Jared shakes his head, "You look perfect." He said.

KZ wore a light pink dress that would contrast her red hair. Her pink dress was like a princess dress, it was like cotton candy. She wore a slight heel underneath, but because how puffy the dress is you wouldn't know she was wearing heels. Her hair was done with a braid that rested on her right shoulder, and there were some gems in her braid. Her make up was quite faint, because she didn't like putting so much make up on.

"You think so?" She asks.

Jared nods and kisses her on the cheek, "I know so."

"Oh, wait!" Shouted Vivian.

KZ's parents came running. Vivian was showing more in her tummy that the baby was there. The four teens see Richard holding a camera in his hands with a big smile on his face.

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