Graduation Part 1

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

"I CAN'T believe it," Omar placed his arm around Jared's shoulder, "We're going to be graduating tomorrow."

The two close friends were walking out of the office with their cap and gowns. The school was mostly empty and for the most part it had some seniors grabbing their graduation stuff and their tickets for graduation. Jared and Omar had ended up coming at the last minute to get their stuff.

Jared nods, "Yeah. Soon everything will be over." He said.

"Yeah," Omar said.

Jared had a somber look on his face, and the same for Omar. Omar glanced at his best friend and then to the gown he held onto. 

Jared chuckles slightly, "It's really funny." He spoke.

Omar glanced over at Jared a bit confused, "What is?" Omar asks.

Jared and Omar reached the outside of the high school.

"We aren't nobodies anymore. We have good friend and amazing girlfriends. We've been through hell and worst, and now we'll be going our own ways." Jared said.

Omar has a small smile, "It's crazy to think about it." He said.

Jared looks at Omar, "You'll be going to San Francisco and I'll be going to Norland. Heck, KZ is going to Meadowedge. It's just we're all going different placed and far away." Jared said.

Omar looks at his best friend, "Don't worry, Jar. We have the summer to hang out before leaving for college, and heck we can call each other and hang out during breaks." Omar said.

Jared nods.

"I know, but- but it won't be the same." Jared said.

Omar nods sadly, "Sure it won't be the same but- but we'll always be there for each other."

Jared nods.

Omar placed a hand on Jared's shoulder, "You've been my best friend since first grade. We've been through it all together, man." Omar said.

Jared looks at him, "I like to think you're more than just a friend, Omar."

Omar nods, "Yeah, I think of you as a brother too." He said with a smile.


THE NEXT day in the football field was full of parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, grandparents, and friends. It was for the graduating class of 2016. The parents of the rangers sat by each other, and behind them was the veteran team of the Element Rangers as well as Adam. Also, behind Adam and the Element Rangers were the rangers from Warrior Heights and Reefside.

Corey nudged Adam, "So when does the graduation start?"

Adam turns to the young now sophomore, "In ten minutes." Adam said.

Corey nods, "You must be proud of your team." Corey said.

Abby from Warrior Heights turns to Quincy, "The Jurassic Squad haven't had their final battle yet?"

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