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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

ARTIE WAS downstairs in his house playing video games with his younger half-sister. Brooke was kicking her brother's butt. Artie noticed how good she was and he hated the fact that the girl was a pro when it came to Call of Duty. The row ended and Brooke had the most kills.

"Seriously," Artie started, "How on earth are you this good?"

Brooke placed the X-Box controller on the coffee table. She turns to look at her half brother.

"Everyone needs an outlet." She grins.

"And your a pro." He said.

Brooke smiles, "You're too kind," She stands, "Want a drink?"

Artie shakes his head, "No thanks."

Brooke nods, "I'll be back to kick your butt again."

Artie smirks, "I'll get you one day." He said.

Brooke stuck out her tongue, "In your dreams." She left the room.

Artie hears footsteps coming from downstairs, he hears a faint voice and then appearing into the living room was Jared. He was on the phone.

"Yeah that's great news about Luke. It looks like you and your team are getting closer to facing off the enemy for good." Jared said.

Jared looked around to see if Brooke was in the room. Mostly, Jared didn't have to worry about his dad since his dad practically worked 24/7 and Brooke was either at home or at a friend's house.

"Everything is fine here, Quincy. No, I'm fine. We're good, still friends." Jared said leaning against the wall.

Artie knew what Jared and Quincy were talking about. Quincy was worried about Jared and KZ since they broke up. It was nice that a fellow ranger was concerned, sure Artie was worried about his brother too but Jared did say he was fine so the younger brother did indeed believe him.

Jared looks at his brother with a faint smile, "Well send everyone there our support. Thanks, again. Bye." Jared said and hung up.

Jared placed his phone in his pocket. Jared sat down next to his brother, Jared noticed the game controller in his hands.

"Brooke has you playing Call of Duty?" Jared asks.

Artie nods, "She is a trained professional."

Jared laughs, "That's why I leave her to her game alone." He said.

Artie laughs too, "Listen someone has to beat her."

Jared grins, "And that'll be you?"

Artie nods, "Of course."

Jared and Artie sat in silence for a moment.

"So how is the gang in Warrior Heights?" Artie asks.

Jared turns, "Good. They're all good." He said.

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