Drago Ultimate Battle Prt 1

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

THE NEXT day the rangers were at the Batcave before school. Adam had formally filled the rangers in about the events at Reefside the other day, which to Jared's surprise ended the way it did. KZ noticed on her boyfriend's expression that he does feel guilty for not stopping what happened. While the others were just shocked from the news.

"I cannot believe that happened at Reefside," Gwen started, "You hear things like that but never picturing it happening."

Artie wrapped his arm around his girlfriend's shoulders, Gwen felt Artie kiss the top of her head.

"You're telling me." Hunter said as he held onto Jenny's hand.

"Iris had a lot of courage to take the bullet for that mean cheerleader." Jenny said.

Jared gritted his teeth, "There should have been something done that could have stopped her." Jared said.

Artie frowns, "Bro, no one knew this would happen."

Jared looks up, "Iris told me the conversation she had with Denise. I went up to the main office before homeroom, but they told me that they were busy with other things like getting the morning announcements ready. After homeroom, I saw her leaving the school building and driving away in her car. I went back to the main office and trying to tell them about Denise and what she did. All I got was they were busy with another student that got caught cheating on a test that got brought to their attention prior what happened. If they had listened to me, none of this would have happened, Iris wouldn't be in the hospital." Jared said.

KZ held onto his hand, "Jared." She had a worried expression.

Omar crosses his arms on his chest, "This is not right at all." He said.

Artie nods, "I think they should have noticed the signs before it got out of control." Artie said.

"The warning signs were there, and yet someone should taken action long before it happened." KZ said.

"I know. Plus from what Corey told me is that they tried to warn Cassandra about it, but she did not listen to them. Yet Iris took it for her." Jared said.

Gwen shakes her head, "It is messed up."

Omar nods, " I mean if something is seriously wrong that multiple red flags are going off in this person, you tell a trusted adult. Why it didn't happen here?" Omar spoke.

Hunter shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know man." He said.

As the teens spoke, Adam noticed Zara interest in the topic. Adam knew much like Tia that Zara had a small experience like how the teens are talking about. Zara stands up and walks over to the rangers.

"These things happen," Zara spoke which gained their attentions, "It's not right but you can't fault people for not noticing. Sometimes the signs are quite easy to fool." Zara said.

Jared looks at Zara, "You speak from experience."

Zara sighs, "I wasn't personally involved but- back in my senior year, my boyfriend's junior year, there was a shooting at his school." Zara said.

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