Just Keep Swimming

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis

Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

IN "THE Batcave", Adam comes downstairs to see the rangers sparring. Omar against Jared, and Jenny against KZ. However, as Adam reached the training mats and Alpha, who was cheering silently, the mentor noticed they were one ranger short.

Hunter wasn't there, which explained why there wasn't complaining or some king of fighting beginning among them.

"Where is Hunter?" Adam asks.

The rangers stopped sparring and looked among each other, "He's at swimming." Jenny said.

"Swimming? He's on the swim team?" Adam asks.

KZ nods, "Yeah he said they started some conditioning and he mentioned how he wasn't able to go to the pool all summer." KZ said.

Omar nods as well, "He was saying how out of practice he was." Omar said.

Adam sighs, "I'm not mad but he should have mentioned it." He says.

Jared then took a stand, "Sorry Adam, that's my fault. He mentioned it to me before but I forgot to tell you." Jared said.

Adam nods, "Very well." Adam said though he knew his ranger was covering for his teammate.

Adam walks over to the monitor and Alpha follows. Jared turns to his team and noticed them giving him a weird look. Jenny was smiling, Omar had a grin on his face, and KZ leaned forward with her arm on his shoulder with a grin across her face.

"What?" He asks.

KZ giggles, "You are actually taking the fall for Hunter. That's so cute." KZ said.

Jared shakes his head, "Am not."

Omar looks at his friend, "Dude then why cover for him?" Omar asks.

Jared looks at his friend, "Because he is apart of our team. And as the leader, I thought I'd take the responsibility." Jared said.

Jenny grins, "He means he'll take the fall." Jenny said.


HUNTER PUSHES himself to the surface and inhales the oxygen that was awaiting him. He pulls himself out of the pool to find a teammate of his standing there with a stopwatch in his hands, he lowered his hand to Hunter.

Hunter took it and the guy helped him up. The guy before Hunter had dirty blonde hair and green eyes, he had some freckles across his face.

"So, what was my time?" Hunter asks.

"Faster than last time by a second." He said.

Hunter looked a bit shocked, "Really?"

The guy showed him, "I'm not joking. Look for yourself." He says.

The guy hands Hunter the stopwatch and Hunter looks at the time, "Damn. And I thought I had gotten slow since I missed the pool all summer."

The guy glanced at Hunter, "Yeah where were you? I thought we were going to be life guards for the summer?" The guy asks.

Hunter shrugs, "I don't know, Dean. I had to babysit Danny all summer." Hunter said.

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