Overprotective Brothers

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

IN THE kitchen that early Thursday, Gwen was reaching into the fridge. She pulled out some milk and reached for a glass, she poured some in her glass while she heard the toaster go off. She quickly put the milk away and went for the toast. The girl yelped as it burnt her slightly, and then as she was basically juggling the toast she put the butter on it.

"Having issues, Gwen?" Lance asks.

Gwen turned around to see her older-younger brother.

"No." She said.

Lance chuckled as he went to the coffee maker. As he put some coffee grounds inside the machine, he glanced at his sister.

 "So, why are you up this early?" He asks.

Gwen took a bite of her toast, "What's with the questions?"

Lance shrugs his shoulders as he turned it on, "Just curious. I mean, all I hear from Landon is how you're keeping your life private from us. I just want to be involved, squirt." Lance said.

Gwen took a sip of milk, "I'm not being private. It's just, you never liked high school and well you know Landon. He was all A's and on the honor roll in every single grade. Heck, he makes the Dean's list in college. If I complain all he'll say is to try harder." She said.

Lance reached for a coffee mug and turned to face his sister.

"You know mister know-it-all, he just wants to make sure you're giving it your all." He said.

Gwen turns to her brother, "And you?"

Lance shrugs, "You're nearly done with high school. You've been accepted to the community college here. I think you've proved enough as is. I mean, you got into college. That's something I couldn't even do, even with Landon as my twin." Lance said.

Gwen frowns and placed her hand on her brother's shoulder, "Mom and dad didn't think of you as a disappointment."

Lance turned to her and shrugged, "Ah forget it. You might want to head out before Landon comes in and demands an explanation." He said.

Gwen forces a smile, "I'll see you after karate." She kisses Lance on the cheek.

Lance watched his sister grab her backpack and head out of the house. In through the back door came in their uncle and his brother Landon. Landon was talking with their uncle while his uncle was smoking. Though, it was a bit obvious that Landon had listened to the whole conversation.

"Lance," Landon started.

"I gotta go man," Lance was taking his cup of coffee, "Someone has to go to work."

Landon watched Lance grab his keys and leave the house. Landon frowns and then felt his uncle place his hand on his shoulders.

"Landon," Uncle Pete started, "They've grown up. They are their own person, maybe you should let it go."


THE TEENS were heading to the dojo before class to talk to Zara and Tia. It was a shame that Zack had to return to Norland, but after his short visit the rangers did enjoy his company. 

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