Alternative Universe

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

ARTIE WOKE up in confusion. He was laying on the couch in his house. He didn't remember coming down to the living room last night. Entering the living room was Brooke, though she looked different than he was use to seeing. His usual happy teenage sister was dressed like a goth. She had black clothes and heavy black eye makeup.

"Loser, time for school." Brooke said as she slugged her backpack on her shoulder.

Artie looked around, everything in the house looked the same. Heck even him, expect what was standing in front of him.

"Brooke? Why are you dressed like that?" Artie asks.

Brooke rolls her eyes, "Oh my god, you're acting worst than Jessica." 

Brooke walks out of the room.

"Jessica?" Artie spoke.

He stood out and looked at a photograph hanging on the wall, it was a family photo. In this photo had Ryan dressed in formal appeal, Brooke looking sort of nice though still had dark makeup, Jared seemed uncomfortable, there was Artie smiling at the camera, and then there was Artie's mom smiling as she stood close to Artie's dad.

"Mom?" Artie spoke.

"Yes, dear?" Spoke Jessica.

Artie turns to see his mom in his home. She was putting earrings on and smiling at her son.

"Um, nothing." Artie said.

Jessica nods, "Well you better head off you school. You don't want to be late." She says.

Artie nods and watches his mom walk toward the door, then Ryan came over to kiss Jessica on the lips before the two exited the house. Artie was lost for words but suddenly returned to his sudden thought when he felt something hard hit the back of his head, he grabbed a hold of his head and turned around. Standing there was Brooke holding his backpack.

"Come on, loser." She said.

"What about Jared?" Artie asks.

Brooke frowns, "He is probably already at school." She said.

Artie nods slowly, "Okay, squirt let's go."

Brooke puts in earphones and ignores her brother as they left the house.


WHEN ARTIE got to Clover Hill High, he noticed things looked the same. Artie was still kind of baffled with how the start of the was like. Also, he was confused as to why he was wearing a letterman's jacket.

He walked into the school and the students seemed to be the same. Suddenly a familiar voice got his attention.


Artie turns to see Omar coming over.

To Artie, Omar looked exactly the same. He was dressed the same as he usually does. It made what he witnessed this morning feel a bit better. Although, he wasn't entirely sure what was going on.

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