Red And Black

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

IN THE Scott home, Jared was walking down the stairs and entered the living room. His father was at work and Brooke was at a friend's house studying. In the living room however was Artie, he was working on homework.

Jared didn't even notice Artie in there at first. Jared leaned up against the wall in the living room while still speaking to whoever was on the phone. Jared noticed his brother finally and nodded to whoever was on the other line.

"Well, maybe your brother is someone you've already met before. But I hope everything turns out alright." Jared said.

The words that Jared said, got Artie's attention. The young man looked up at Jared, Jared rubbed his hand through his hair awkwardly and then chuckled.

"Yeah, everything between him and I are better than before. Punching each other out can only do so much." Jared said.

At this moment, Jared turned around and saw Artie watching him. Jared exhales deeply and turns back away from Artie.

"I gotta go. Just keep me informed, Corey. Bye." Jared said and hung up.

Jared placed his phone in his pocket and walked over to the couch where Artie was sitting at. Artie closed his English text book to look at his brother.

"So who was that?" Artie asks.

"A friend of mine from Reefside. His name is Corey." Jared said.

Artie seemed puzzled, "How do you know someone from Reefside? Isn't that like a three hour drive or something?"

Jared smiles faintly, "Yeah its about that long of a drive. I met Corey by my karate instructor knowing his dad, we got to talking after a while and exchanged numbers. His friends even called me out to go to his birthday party, which was full of drama." Jared said.

Artie smirks, "More drama than a Scott family reunion?"

Jared chuckles faintly, "Kinda about the same amount."

Artie stares at Jared, "How so?"

"Well, Corey lives with his dad. His parents split and well the two aren't on good terms with his mom. His mom crashed the party and told Corey he has an older half brother out there. He took it pretty hard." Jared said.

Artie nods as he turns away, "Bummer. I mean we both know how he might be feeling."

Jared nods, "Yeah minus the wanting to punch each other part." Jared said.

Artie smirks, "Hey I said I was sorry for pissing you off." Artie said.

Jared looks at Artie, "I know you are." Jared said.

Artie then looked serious, "So has Corey found out who his brother is yet? I mean, that phone call seemed serious."

Jared stares at Artie, "No. He hasn't a clue who it could be, but his dad is trying to figure it out." Jared said.

Artie nods, "Hopefully his meeting with his brother goes better than our first impression." Artie said.

Jared grins, "Yeah but we made it work."

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