Christmas In September

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Red: Jared Scott

Blue: Omar Ellis

Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

ADAM LOOKED out the window of his apartment, he sees snow falling from the clouds above. It was six o'clock in the morning. The adult, puts on a jacket and steps outside. He reaches his hand out and feels the snow on his hands. He pulls back looking at the sky rather curious and also concerned.

"It's September, why is there snow? More importantly, why is it snowing in California?" Adam spoke to himself.

Adam steps back into his apartment, he turns his attention back at the window one last time.

"I have a bad feeling about this." He mutters.

Snow was covering Clover Hill, something that rarely happened.


KZ KICKED the snow with her boots, "I can't believe we got a snow day."

Jenny nods, "I- I know. Snow in September."

Hunter grabs some snow to make a snow ball, "Who cares! It's a day off!"

Hunter threw the snow ball at Jenny, "Hunter!" She yells.

Hunter was shocked when Jenny threw a snow ball back at him. Jenny and Hunter were throwing snow balls at each other, then Omar joined in after Jenny missed Hunter and hit him.

KZ walked away from the chaos to Jared, he was leaning against the light pole. She noticed how he was in deep thought over something.

"Everything okay, Jared?" KZ asks.

Jared snapped himself out of his thought, "Huh?"

KZ pokes him on the forehead, "Lost you in that mind of yours." She smiles.

Jared flusters, "Yeah um sorry."

KZ smiles softly, "Don't be. Now, let's get these children to calm down so we won't be late for training." KZ said.

Jared nods, "Yeah. But don't you think the whole snow thing is weird, I mean like Jenny said it's September." Jared said.

KZ shrugs, "Eh. Blame global warming." She says.

Jared shrugs and then feels KZ grab his arm and drag him in the direction of Hunter, Jenny, and Omar.


ADAM LEANS forward at the monitors, "Something isn't right, Alpha." He mutters.

Alpha nods, "I agree, Adam. Temperature like this in September is very unusual." Alpha said.

Adam turns his head to his robot friend, "Think its an attack?"

Alpha nods his bot head, "Very likely."

Before Adam could say anything else, he hears the sounds of the teenagers coming down their serect passage way to their HQ.

He hears Hunter and Omar going at each other's throat, followed by KZ stepping in while Jared awkwardly stood back while Jenny tried to get both boys to knock it off. The usual.

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