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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

"ANOTHER BOOK? Jared, didn't you just start Sherlock Holmes?" Brooke asked.

It was after another dinner at the Walker home. It was actually their last dinner at the Walker home. You see, Ryan had gotten a phone call saying that their house would be fully repaired tomorrow in the afternoon so that means the Scott family was moving out tomorrow.

Ryan was in the kitchen helping Richard and a pregnant Vivian with the dishes and left overs. Whereas, the teens were in the living room. Artie was texting Gwen, since he and Gwen were open about their feelings the two haven't stopped texting each other. In some ways it was cute but others quite annoying.

Jared had finished his second book that night, he was previously reading Sherlock Holmes like Brooke had said but now the boy was currently reading The Great Gatsby. KZ and Brooke stood behind the couch and then fully entered the living room.

"Just finished it, sis." Jared said as he peaked up from his book.

Brooke folded her arms on her chest, "And you're already halfway done with that book. Seriously, Jared. I am not surprised you don't have more friends, you spend your time in your books." Brooke said.

Jared closes the book, "Jeez, Brooke, thanks for that." He said.

Brooke shrugs her shoulder, "It's true, bro. I mean I am on the soccer team, I have friends who like soccer as well. I even have friends from the science club." Brooke said.

Jared stands up, "I get it, Brooke." He said sounding annoyed at her.

Jared took that as his cue to leave the room. Artie peaked up from his phone, until his phone dinged again with a text from Gwen. KZ turned to see Brooke shake her head.

"I don't understand how you put up with my brother when you two dated." Brooke said.

KZ seemed shocked, "He was- actually he was the best boyfriend ever." She said.

Brooke turns to KZ, "But he wasn't completely open. Jared is a puzzle. He keeps a lot to himself, he may talk to you about somethings but- he keeps in all that rage. I mean, I barely remember when mom was taken away but I did watch the light leave Jared." Brooke said.

This stopped Artie from texting. He looked up and stared at his sister and his brother's ex girlfriend. Brooke frowned as she stared at the stairs Jared took to go upstairs.

"He was ten and he grew up far too early. I wished that it wasn't him that found mom, or that it didn't happen when he was ten. Maybe things would be different." Brooke said.

Artie finally joined in, "I think Jared has grown a lot since I joined the family. I mean, we've grown closer as brothers." Artie said.

Brooke nods, "Yeah. I mean he seems to be doing well as a leader, so I guess I just worry if he is keeping a lot in his head." Brooke said.

KZ exhaled, "He probably does."


JARED WAS laying on the bed in the guest room in the Walker home. He was staring at the ceiling. He knew what his sister was talking about, he knew exactly what she was hinting at. His ability to somehow be friends with people but not tell them the entire truth.

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