Morphin' X-Mas

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

THE TEENS were gathered at Jenny's house, actually the old tree house. Since weather doesn't get too cold in December, the teens were able to remain outside to talk about important ranger business without worry of parents walking in on their talk.

The five teens all sat in the tree house. Jenny and KZ sat on the floor, Omar sat on a little stool, Jared and Hunter were sitting on a bench that was up against the wall. It was the twenty-third, Christmas Eve was tomorrow and all the rangers will be spending time with their family the next two days. So this meeting is important.

"So- how is Matthew?" Jenny asks.

Hunter and Jared had recently visited Reefside, there was an attack on Matthew by two adult women and the teen was saved by another teenage boy.

Jared glanced at Hunter then to the rest of the team, "He'll make a full recovery. Both him and the Levi kid that saved him." Jared said.

Omar sighs, "I wished we all could've gone with." Omar said.

Hunter nods, "But I was needed there and Jared was the only one who knew any of those rangers."

KZ nods as well, "We had to stay, in case of an attack." She said turning to Omar.

Jared then had a serious expression, "Something mysterious is clearly going on over there in Reefside."

Jenny looked up, "You think?" She asks.

Jared looked up at her, "It's a gut feeling." He said.

Hunter stretched, "Well whatever it is I hope its done. Man, that banjo headache killed me! I really dislike country music." Hunter said.

The teens snickered at Hunter going back to his normal self. The entire team was worried when he got his major headache. It came all of a sudden, after school. Jenny and Hunter were holding hands, Jared and KZ were holding hands, and Omar was just being well Omar.

The five walked their usual route home, and then all of a sudden their Green Ranger collapsed onto his knees as he held onto his head. Jenny knelt down first one by his side. Then the remaining teens knelt down, Jenny was so nervous about her boyfriend's sudden collapse. Until Jared got a phone call, it was from Corey telling him about Matthew.

The Red Rock Ranger also informed the Red Tyranno Ranger that the Green Ranger for the Spirit Warrior team also had a headache just like the one Hunter had. Once he got off the phone, Jared informed the team about what happened in Reefside, and Hunter being out of character for himself wanted to go see how Matthew was.

Hunter then turned to Jared, "But that kid ranger, he is alright." Hunter said.

Jared had a small smile, "I'm glad he meets your approval." Jared joked.


JARED RETURNED home to find his dad surprisingly home, which was a shock. He sees the Christmas tree was actually up this year, with Brooke and Artie helping him put the lights on. It was at that next second that Ryan noticed his eldest son standing by the door.

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