The Name Is KZ

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis

Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

KZ WOKE up that Thursday morning like any other morning. It was silent per usual. She got dressed and brushed her hair.

KZ collected all of her belongings she needed for school.

She headed to the kitchen and grabbed something to take for the road for breakfast. She then kicked her shoes on as she headed to the door.

She reached for the front door and grabbed her keys.

"I'm off!" She shouts.

Silence in the house.

KZ shakes her head.

"Right, they're at work." KZ says.

KZ heads out the front door.

Her parents were busy, well they're always busy. Her father, Richard Walker, is a top notch divorce lawyer and her mother, Vivian, is the best tattoo artist in the country. Yeah when they say opposites attract they literally mean it.

KZ's parents are nothing alike, they don't have any similar interests at all expect their only daughter. With her parents gone most of her time, KZ had learned over time to become independent without needing to ask for help.

KZ walked up to her blue slug bug, she climbs in and starts it. She then drives down the street in the direction of the high school. KZ heard a song kick on the radio, usually she'd listen to whatever CD she has in her car but today she thought, whatever. She turned up the volume to hear it was Nick Jonas' song Jealous playing.

She rocks her head to the music and at the intersection, she turns on her turn signal. She turned right at the red light and continued until she reached the high school parking lot. She pulls up in her parking spot and turns off the car, she grabs her things and begins to walk up to the high school.

"KZ!" Shouted a familiar voice.

KZ turns to see Jenny and Jared.

KZ forms a smile on her face and waves at them.

Jenny had a smile on her face, and she even dragged Jared to catch up to her. Jared nearly yelped as his shoulder was still in pain from their last battle but it wasn't broken or anything worse.

"Morning," KZ says.

"Mor-ning." Jenny said.

Jared nods, "How are you doing?" Jared asks.

KZ looks at Jared, "I'm good. How's the shoulder?" She asks pointing to him.

Jared adjusted his backpack straps to his left shoulder, "It's a little sore but I'll live." He says.

Jenny nudges her cousin, "We better get inside- we don't want to- to be late." Jenny said.

Jared nods, "Yeah wouldn't want Omar flipping out wondering if I am going to show up to homeroom." Jared said.

KZ nods as well, "And Hunter would complain saying how there isn't anyone else to talk to in our homeroom." KZ said.

Jared laughs, "Those two have more in common then they'd think." He said.

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