Uptight Sister

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

IT WAS a normal Tuesday morning at the Batcave, the rangers were doing their usual morning work out while the adults were talking about something serious. Also, Brooke was in the Batcave. She hadn't gone before and since the situation with Drago a couple of weeks ago, Jared felt like he owed his sister. 

Suddenly, the three adults nodded after finishing speaking then turned to motion to the rangers. Jared looked up first, then nudged Hunter who got the others to stop training as well. They all gathered around, even Brooke, who was just reading a book.

"Well," Adam started, "I have some news to share."

"What is it, Adam?" Jenny asks.

Adam looks at the teens, "I'll be leaving for the week."

"Why?" Omar asks.

"My karate team made it to championships in Meadowedge and I must attend as their mentor." Adam said.

Hunter jokes with a grin, "So Miss Moore and Zara over there are in charge of us?"

Adam glanced from them to the teens, "Yes."

Hunter frowns, "I was only kidding." He mutters.

Gwen smirks, "What were you expecting, Hunter? Some week full of veteran rangers stopping by and paying us visits, and then giving us sage advice on how not only be a better ranger but be a better person as well?" Gwen said.

All eyes shift to Gwen, at that moment the White Ranger shrugs her shoulders.

Gwen shrugs her shoulders.

Zara smiles at Gwen's comment, "Maybe, Gwen. It's possible for anyone to just drop by Clover Hill, even for a veteran ranger." Zara said.

Brooke smiled widely, "So I could meet other rangers. How cool is that?" She said.

Brooke then turns to her big brother Jared. She grabs his arm and lightly shakes him, which in turn causes Jared to be a little confused. Sure, Brooke was so excited about the hidden world that he and Artie were in, but this was a new form of excitement.

 "Jared, you owe me a chance to meet Corey. He sounds cute, I mean a freshmen ranger. He's practically made for me." Brooke said.

Jared's eyes widen and then he shakes his head.

"You are not dating. And you are not dating Corey, no ranger boyfriends." Jared said.

Artie nods.

Artie turns to Brooke as well, "That goes double for me." He said.

Brooke pouts, "No fair."

Adam smirks at the sibling banter.

"I'll be leaving this afternoon and will be returning Friday evening. So if you need anything Zara and Tia will be here for you all. I do know a certain individual from Norland is paying a visit soon, so I expect you all to be on your best behavior when this person gets here." Adam said.

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