The Sins

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

GWEN LOOKED around the Batcave, she seemed a bit interested but then turned around to the other six rangers in front of her as well as three veteran rangers. Zara was on the computer, however she was facing the new ranger. Tia and Adam stood next to each other as they were looking at the gem.

Zara had made a morpher for the gem and before it was even placed inside the two adults were over looking it. Jenny and KZ stood next to each other, KZ was eyeing Gwen more so than others. Hunter and Artie stood by each other. Jared and Omar were next to each other, the two would silently sign to each other for small chats. Then Gwen walks over and stood in front of the new group.

"So, ranger business huh?" Gwen spoke.

Artie nods, "Yeah. We share the powers of the dinosaurs."

Gwen nods but seemed confused, "Uh- alright." She said.

Hunter crosses his arms on his chest, "What is wrong, princess?" He teased.

Gwen looks from Hunter to the adults, "I had a vision when I first found the gem. I saw a tiger- no wait a saber tooth tiger." Gwen said.

Tia glanced at Adam, "Adam."

Adam nods, "There hasn't been a saber tooth tiger ranger since Trini and Aisha back in the days when I was the Black Mighty Morphin Ranger." He said.

Jared looks at Adam, "So is this bad then?"

Adam shakes his head, "No. Actually this is very historical. Gwen, you're the third saber tooth tiger ranger but the first time this zord is for a White Ranger." He said.

Gwen smiles faintly, "Cool."

Tia walks over, "So you are aware you cannot tell a single person you are a Power Ranger." She said.

Gwen frowns, "What?"

Jenny walks in, "It's to protect them. I mean I don't think having your siblings or parents knowing would be good on you." Jenny said.

Gwen nods, "I guess."

Omar steps in, "Believe me I want to tell my folks so badly, but its our duty to protect them." He said.

Artie grins, "Our job goes unnoticed sometimes so- we might feel like nothing." Artie said.

Gwen frowns more, "Wow this sounds really depressing." She said.

KZ stepped in with her hands on her hips, "And this isn't a game. This is real life. We can't take it as a joke. We have an enemy who wants us dead and we have to be focused in order to protect the world and help our allies." KZ said.

Gwen seemed puzzled, "Allies?"

Jared smirks, "Never mind. We'll explain it later." He said.

"Looks like improvement on the zords are being made." Said Zara from the computer.

Adam turns, "Really?"

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