Mommy Is Back

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

IT WAS Wednesday, Artie came downstairs to find Jared cooking breakfast for him and his siblings. It was not too unusual for the eldest Scott child to be cooking, also Jared claims that cooking keeps him at ease. 

Artie thought that was part of it, and also partly because their father can't cook.

Ryan was looking at his pager as he poured himself a mug of coffee. It was rare for Ryan to be home when the teens were home, usually he'd be at the hospital already.

"Hey, dad." Artie said as he reached for the fridge door.

Ryan smiles, "Morning, Artie."

Brooke steps in yawning, "Hey guys."

Brooke stretches and then rubs her eyes. She was up late playing Call of Duty, even though it was a school.

Ryan heard his pager beep.

Ryan looked from his pager then to his children.

Ryan sighs, "Looks like I'm being called in earlier than expected."

Jared flipped the pancakes, "Go. We can always have dinner together tonight." He said.

Ryan nods and points at his eldest, "I like that plan. I'll see you three later." Ryan said and left the house.

Brooke stepped further in the kitchen, "Yum, pancakes!"

Artie poured Brooke some orange juice and himself a cup as well.

  Artie looks at Jared, "I could help you cook in the morning sometime." He said.

Jared shakes his head chuckling.

"Artie cooking? Last time you tried to help me with dinner you nearly caught the stove on fire." Jared said.

Artie frowns, "You could teach me how to cook." He said.

Brooke laughs, "You? Cooking? Oh buddy, Artie." Brooke sat at the table.

Artie takes a sip of his juice, "You two are just mean." He says and sits down.

Jared grins as he places down the plate of pancakes.

"Well we share DNA so it means you too are mean." Jared joked.

Artie rolls his eyes, "Oh ha ha."

Then the door bell rang. Jared looked from his siblings to the direction of the door. None of the Scott teens were expecting anyone before school, so this was a bit odd.

"I wonder who that could be?" Jared spoke. 

Jared leaves the kitchen to answer the door. As he leaves, his younger siblings are left to converse until he returns.

Artie turns to Brooke, "Okay after dinner I demand a rematch." He said.

Brooke laughs as she puts butter on her pancakes.

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