Help From Reefside

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Red: Jared Scott

Blue: Omar Ellis

Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker


The rangers were surrounded by lizard beast. Jared and Omar stood back to back, the two guys exchanged looks before charging in. Omar was swinging his spear at them, and also stabbing the monsters in the chest. Jared ran in with his sword, slashing his mighty blade at their enemy.

Meanwhile, Hunter was doing the exact thing with his daggers. With his daggers, he was able to take down more enemy than both guys quickly. Hunter did a flip on a tree and landed behind the lizard beast, to slash at them. With the girls, they were fighting back to back.

Jenny was open firing at the lizard beast and even avoiding them at all cost, Jenny ducked and even kicked back. KZ swung her bow staff at the lizards, and even was able to trip a few. She slammed her staff on the head of one like a baseball bat.

"Are they ever gonna leave?" Hunter asks.

Jared shrugs and turns to Green, "Not sure."

Stepping forward was none other than Drago, "Rangers."

Drago armed himself with his sword and came running at the rangers. The rangers prepared themselves and went into battle too. Omar went toward Drago first, with his spear though Drago was able to deflect the Blue Ranger. Drago grabbed Omar's arm and threw him to the ground, helmet first.

Jenny went next, firing her blaster at the dragon and then Drago turned to her. Some of her blasts managed to damage the dragon a little bit, but Drago was overpowering and was able to slash his blade at the Yellow Ranger which sent her to the ground.

"Jen!" Hunter yelled.

Hunter ran in next with his daggers. He went in deflecting Drago's blade with his left dagger, and went to charge with his right dagger but Drago grabbed the arm to stop the Green Ranger. Drago pulled Hunter forward and kicked him in the back, sending him to the ground next to Omar.

KZ ran in next to try to stop him, with his bow staff. KZ was being pushed back, as Drago was fighting a stronger means of attacks than KZ. He was more brutally and stronger. KZ felt Drago slash his blade at the Pink Ranger's left shoulder, and kicked her in the stomach. She fell to the ground next to Jenny.

"KZ!" Jared yells.

Drago smirks, "Well it looks like its just us."

Jared turned from his fallen friends to the dragon, "Seems that way."

Drago points his blade at Jared, "And you're not weak like before. You've been training."

Jared sees Drago walking in a circle like manner, like a fighting formation. Jared was pacing toward the right in a circle walk as Drago was coming to the left. The two were keeping their eyes locked on the other. Waiting for the next move. Then Drago came running in, Jared prepared himself for it and was able to block Drago's blade with his own sword.

Drago was slashing at Jared, and Jared was deflecting it. Jared and Drago's blade collided loudly and they were being pushed together by the two of them.

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