Drago Ultimate Battle Prt 2

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

THE WIND blew against the rusted building. Brooke was tied against a pipe in the factory, she had finally stopped sobbing. She looked at the beast pacing back and forth, it had just been a few minutes after the beast called Jared. 

She knew Jared faced monsters and what not but she didn't expect to get pulled into it. The dragon monster stopped moving and then turned to her. This time, instead of being afraid the young teen held a strong look.

"So," Drago started, "You aren't the least curious why your brother is coming here to fight me?"

Brooke remain silent.

Drago rolls his eyes, "Silence. Must be a family thing."

Brooke heard the sound of Jared's car pulling in. Then the thirteen year old saw a smile appear on Drago's face. There was the sound of a slamming of a door, then foot steps. Upon opening the door, it revealed Jared standing at the doorway. He held a serious glare at Drago, who at this point began clapping with a smile.

"Wise choice, Red. You came for your sister." Drago said.

Jared gritted his teeth, "Just let her go!"

Drago shakes his head, "Not until we fight." He said.

Jared loosen his gaze from Drago to Brooke. Now he got to see his sister. He hadn't seen her since before school that morning. He remembered hearing her ramble on that morning about how Omar's brother, Keith, wouldn't stop flirting with her and how awkward it was because he had tripped into paint which had landed on Brooke the day before. 

Instead of seeing the smart-aleck and loud younger sister that could handle any noob in Call Of Duty, he saw a terrified little girl. Brooke had a small bruise on the side of her face and her eyes were red from when she had cried.

"Not until she is released." Jared said.

Drago glares, "So she can do what? Get help?"

Jared shifts his gaze back at Drago, "She won't spill anything. She doesn't have anything to do with this." Jared said.

Drago smirks, "Sorry, Red, but she is involved."

Jared looks back at Brooke, "Brooke."

Brooke forced a smile, "I'm fine. Seriously." She clearly lied.

Drago kept his gaze at Jared, "See. Now let us settle things."

Jared watched as Drago pulled out his sword like prior. Jared reached for his morpher in his back pocket, he morphed into his red suit and armed himself with his sword. This was the second time Brooke had seen her brother morph into his ranger suit and even hold a weapon and even though she was familiar with his alter ego, this was still shocking.

"Let's end this for good." Jared said.

"Yes," Drago smirks, "Let us."


Miss Moore arrived at the Batcave and heard shouting from downstairs. Hunter and Omar were brawling a friendly brawl, while Artie was just bored out of his mind. Gwen was laughing when Hunter flipped Omar onto the mat, which she was then elbowed by KZ to stop the laughing because it was rude. Jenny just shook her head. Miss Moore glanced at the computers and saw Adam and Zara.

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