Break Your Shell

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Red: Jared Scott

Blue: Omar Ellis

Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

THURSDAY NIGHT at the Callahan home, the three member family had an extra few come by. Tonight for dinner there was Jared, Brooke, and surprisingly KZ who was invited by Jenny. The teens were in the living room while David, Jenny's dad, and Karen, Jenny's mom, were in the kitchen working on dinner.

Brooke was texting her friends from school completely silent, Jared was reading Grapes of Wrath, and KZ and Jenny were talking amount each other.

Throughout her time spending with KZ, Jenny has been slowly loosing her stutter but gains it back when she gets nervous or shy. KZ notices this and doesn't pressure her into trying to stop stuttering, she allows her friend to work on it alone.

Brooke looks up from her cellphone and says, "So how do you two know KZ?"

Jared doesn't look up from his book, "We go to school together, Brooke." He said.

Brooke made a face, "No duh. I mean are you guys like friends?" She asks.

KZ nods, "Yeah. We have some classes together as well as lunch, and we've been beginning to talk." KZ said.

Brooke nods, "Okay."

"Also I- I am tutoring KZ in physics." Jenny said.

Brooke glanced at her cousin, "That stutter is slowly going away." Brooke said smiling.

Jenny smiles faintly, and nods to herself.

Jared glanced from his sister to his cousin. He put his nose back in his book before he heard his uncle and aunt enter the living room.

David and Karen were laughing and smiling as they entered the living room. Karen was holding a glass of wine while David was drinking a can of beer, the couple don't usually drink but decided to have a little bit.

"So what does KZ stand for?" David asks as he sits down.

"D- Dad!" Jenny says.

KZ turns to Jenny, "It's cool. It's my first letter of my first name and my middle name." KZ said.

Karen nods, "Ah that make sense." Karen said and sits next to her husband.

Brooke turns to her uncle and aunt, "Guess who made the girl's softball team?"

"You?" Both Karen and David asks.

Brooke nods, "Yeah."

"Good for you," Karen says.

"Right on kiddo." David said.

Jenny nods, "Con- Congrats."

KZ nods as well, "Yeah good job." KZ said.

Brooke nods while smiling, "Thanks."

She smiles and looks around at her family and KZ, her eyes lock on her brother. He just nods his head at her, while she just sighs.

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