Hear Me

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

JARED APPEARED back in the Batcave, with his team and mentor standing in awe. KZ first grabbed a hold of Jared, afraid of what had happened to her boyfriend. Jared held onto her and then turned to see Omar, Jenny, and Hunter share smiles. Adam walked over slightly curious, as Tia had walked over from the computer. After Jared was released by his girlfriend, she smacked him upside the head.

"You really did it, Jared." KZ said.

"Ouch," Jared rubbed the back of his head, "Sorry."

Jenny stepped over, "What happened?"

Omar nods, "And don't forget every detail." He said.

Jared looks at his teams, "You guys wouldn't believe me."

Hunter crossed his arms on his chest, "Try us." He said.

Jared inhales deeply, "Well I got teleported to this temple and the Corey kid from my dream was there. Anyways, we both met the Spirit Warrior team. It was just- just crazy, actually. Because their powers were of various warriors from different countries and different eras. We met their mentors, and they seem really nice. Then it wasn't long after that a message from a witch named Zilenya came in. We ended up coming up with a plan to sneak into Controdez's fortress from the back. It turns out that Corey's power of rock overwhelmed the Hunites." Jared said.

Then Omar interrupted, "Wait- wait. What are Hunites?" He asks.

KZ grabbed Omar's ear, "Never mind that comment. Continue, please." She said.

Jared nods, "Anyways we got inside no problem. And we went to the battle chambers, which was set up as a trap. Zilenya had the Spirit Warrior Rangers watch the battle between myself and Corey and Zilo. It was also shocking to find out that there was another captive being held against their will there. Corey and I were able to defeat Zilo, who was actually Quincy the Red Spirit Warrior Ranger just turned evil. Plus that other captive was Quincy's dad." Jared said.

Hunter lowered his arms off his chest, "That sounds intense."

Jenny looks from the others to Jared, "That must have been cool to have teamed up with another team." She said.

KZ nods, "I agree with Jenny."

Jared smirks, "Corey seemed wise for his age. Ryan, who is the Blue Ranger with the Spirit of the Viking, seemed to have underestimated him. Heck I think I even did at first." Jared said.

Adam nods joining in, "Well its good to hear everything ended okay on that end."

Jared looks at Adam, "Yeah and Dr. Zack Taylor says hi." Jared smiles.

Adam grins and rubs his hand through his hair, "Myself and him are mentors. It seems like something from Tommy rubbed off on us." Adam muttered to himself.

Omar then steps over, "Think we'll ever meet the Music Force Rangers?"

Jared shrugs, "Hopefully but lets just hope not when the fate of the world is not on the line." Jared said.

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