High School Is Complicated

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Red: Jared Scott

Blue: Omar Ellis

Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

IT WAS another day at Clover Hill High, and what was going on was something as if was tradition to the school itself though it was making the senior class either really excited or just plan annoyed. The case for the rangers, well they were on either the excited side of the annoyed side.

Walking up to the gym KZ and Omar, the two had left physics together and promised to meet up with their friends at the gym where it was going down. Omar glanced from the white piece of paper, that was hanging on the wall, then to KZ.

"Can't believe our senior class musical is Footloose." Omar said.

KZ crossed her arms on her chest, "And they'll force the entire class to audition. It'll be embarrassing."

"Ditto," Said Jenny coming over with Hunter.

Hunter and Jenny were holding hand, "The whole musical idea is just exhausting. We have too much to worry about, throwing a musical on top of it." Hunter said and exhaled.

Omar, KZ, and Jenny partly chuckled at Hunter's use of being overly dramatic. The four were talking back and forth, then coming over was Jared with Artie trailing behind like a lost puppy. The rangers could hear Artie's curiosity about how Jared got himself hurt the way he did, it made the teens wondered what Jared did tell his dad and sister what happened to him.

Clearly, Jared wasn't telling Artie but who could blame Jared. Last time Jared and Artie really talked, the two of them were beating each other up. Jared finally stopped by his girlfriend, KZ could see how the bruising on his forehead was lightening up but he did still have some scraps on his face.

"Hey," Jared says, "So what's the musical?"

"Footloose," Omar said.

Artie turns from his half-brother to the others, "Huh?"

Jenny decided to be nice, "Every year Clove Hill High has their senior class put on a musical involving all the seniors whether they be in the cast or working behind the scene. Every student has to audition and if they don't make the cast they are basically forced to work on the stage crew." Jenny said.

Hunter nods, "I remember watching last year. Their musical was just awful." Hunter said.

Omar chuckled, "I felt so bad for Penny Clark though, she was so nervous to begin with." Omar said.

KZ sighs as she sees Artie's confusion, "Poor girl threw up on the front row." She said.

Artie made a face, "Gross."

Jared nods, "You're telling us."

Artie turns to Jared, "So you all are auditioning?"

Jared nods, "We kinda have to." He said.

Omar motions to the rooms, "Well shall we?"

Hunter groans, "Better get this over with."

Jenny smiles softly, "It can't be that bad."

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