Gaining Confidence

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

JENNY WAS leaving her house that Saturday morning. She stepped down her driveway and noticed her boyfriend and her cousins with their girlfriends with them. A smile appeared on Jenny's face. She sprinted over and held onto Hunter's hand like it was second nature. Hunter kisses her on the forehead, Jenny smiles at him with the biggest smile ever.

"How are you, mouse?" He asks.

Jenny giggles, "I'm good."

They all began to walk onward with heading to the dojo. Omar had met up with them at the end of the block where he lives. The entire group of rangers were heading to the dojo like usual. However, the topic of conversation was a bit different than the usual topics.

KZ noticed Jared's tense nature.

"You okay?" KZ asks.

Jared looks at her, "Huh?" He spoke.

Artie spoke up, "Come to think of it, you've been really off lately."

Jared sighs, "I just have this odd feeling you know. That- I don't know, something isn't right." He said.

Gwen turns to him, "Like what? Things are never right with us weirdos." She said.

Jared smirks for a second but frowns.

"Not us. Just a feeling something bad is coming." He said.

KZ held his hand tighter, "Nothing bad will happen." She said and kissed him on the cheek.

Jenny frowns, "You might just be worried about the whole school investigation. Mr Nelson wasn't involved in anything." She said.

Jared turns to his cousin, "I'm not worried about him." He said.

They stopped at the cross walk. The light was green so the teens were stuck to wait for the light to change. Although, their conversation did not change.

Omar spoke up, "Are you feeling guilty that you might be happy if they fire Mr Chang?"

Jared turns, "Why?"

Hunter turns to Jared, "Why wouldn't you? Jared, the guy had threaten to expel you and tell your dad to send you to a private school." Hunter said.

Jared just got silent.

Jared was a lot of things, but he wasn't one to take pride in someone's else own doing. Sure, he wasn't friendly with Mr Chang. Sure, the guy had made it his mission to make Jared an example. That being said, Jared didn't like seeing the misfortune of others, even if they deserve it.

KZ turns to Hunter, "Hunter, maybe we shouldn't be talking about that anymore." She said.

Hunter wrapped his hands behind his head, "Fine."

Jenny frowns, 'Jared has a lot he still keeps to himself. Does he do this to protect us or protect himself?' She thought.

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