Saving Relena Part 2

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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

IN THE Batcave, the Jurassic Squad were getting the bigger picture of the situation at hand. How Zane had figured out that Geena is actually an old friend of his, well ex-girlfriend, but Tia didn't say that. The Jurassic Squad team were by the computers with Zara and Tia, Tia was telling them everything while Zara was checking the monitors. Adam was finishing up a class upstairs so he was going to get filled in when he was done. 

Jared glanced across the room to see the rest of the Element Rangers. Rena was looking at Zane's burns on his arms, while Zane was shrugging her off saying it was fine. Liz was encouraging Tim to heal it and Carson was giving Zane a hard time about all of this.

Tia sighs, "And that's everything."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Omar asks.

Tia frowns.

Zara stops typing. She turns around in her chair and looks at the younger rangers in the room.

"It was our business." Zara said flat toned.

KZ frowns, "But Zara, we can help too. We're rangers." KZ said.

Gwen nods.

Zara goes to say something, but Tia places a hand on the younger woman's shoulder. Zara looks at Tia, who shakes her head. Zara then sighs, and turns back to the computer to type.

Tia sighs once again, "We were following orders from our own leader. We were a team once upon a time, and when Zane says something we go with it." Tia said.

All of the Jurassic Rangers were looking at Tia, minus Jared. He was getting a good feel of Zane based on his body language and the whole situation. Jared slowly turns his head back to Tia.

 "He cares about this Relena person?" Jared said.

Tia nods.

Zara exhales a deep breathes and stands up, "There is no readings relating any monsters in the city." Zara said.

Carson crosses his arms on his chest as he walks over.

"They're probably hiding." He spoke.

Hunter glanced at Carson and then to Zara.

"Sounds like them." Hunter said.

Zane walks over, with Rena still hovering over him. She was worried because he still had some burns despite Tim healing enough that it wouldn't leave scars on him. 

When Zane moved over, the Jurassic Rangers watched how the Elemental Rangers move over to huddle. They were really glued together. They didn't need Zane to say a word, because they were in sync so well.

Artie glanced at Zane's burns and then thought about the fight from before.

"Wait- you guys all have powers, right? Like Zane?" Artie asks.

Everyone gave Artie a look.

"Wait? What?" Omar asks.

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