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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker
Black: Arthur/Artie Carter-Scott
White: Gwen Anderson

SPRING BREAK ended a couple of days ago. The students returned to school. Word had gone around about how Jared and Artie are staying with KZ until their home is repaired after a monster attack. The gossip would just spread around like gossip would in any school.

The hallways were crowded like always. Students hanging by the lockers or in the court yard before getting inside the building. As the students start to enter the building and go into their own pathway, the rangers were at their own lockers.

KZ was by her locker and turned to Jared's locker. He was getting books out of his locker and seemed a bit sad. Nothing had been said on the fact that he disappeared a couple days ago after Omar defeated Sloth, at the celebrate party.

Jenny walks over and smiles at her best friend.

"Hi, KZ!" Jenny smiles.

KZ turns over, "Hey, Jen."

Jenny leans against the locker next to KZ, "So ready for that English test?"

KZ groans, "Not really. Mr. Nelson is going to be very strict when it comes to Macbeth."

Jenny snickers, "And Omar is going to attempt to cheat off of Jared."

KZ laughs, "Of course he would."

The smile faded when KZ glanced over to see Jared talking to Gwen, who had just came over to her locker which is next to his. Jenny noticed this and turned around to see what KZ was staring at. Jenny frowns at that sight and turns back to her best friend.

"You know she has a crush on Artie." Jenny said.

KZ shrugs as she shuts the locker, "I know Artie likes her and who knows about her. Also Jared has been very secretive lately."

Jenny sighs, "Artie and I tried to figure out what's going on but- he's been quiet." She said.

KZ sighs as well, "I wonder why he is shutting us out? Is it because of me?"

Jenny shrugs, "I don't know."

Just as the girls were walking down the hallway to Mr. Nelson's class, Jenny was tripped by a girl. This girl was a thin very preppy girl. She had bright blonde hair and a fake skin tan. She wore very expensive clothing as well as her purse was. Next to her was other girls, whom dressed exactly the same as if they were this girl's clone or something. The three girls laughed as Jenny had fallen, whereas KZ stepped in glaring.

"Ops, looks like stutter girl can't walk." The girl teased.

KZ stepped in, "Hey! Not cool."

One of the clones nudged the leader, "Did she just talk to you Mary?"

The leader, Mary, looked from the one clone to KZ. Jenny was standing up without any issue, but KZ did indeed help her friend up.

"She did just talk to me, do you know who I am?" Mary spoke.

KZ placed her hands on her hips, "I am assuming a senior. Maybe even cheerleader."

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