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Red: Jared Scott
Blue: Omar Ellis
Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

AT CLOVER Hill High, Artie was walking down the hallway. He was in a hurry, a hurry to find someone. He carried his hall pass and exit the back door leading to the outdoor basketball courts. Artie glanced around and then he stopped as he stood underneath the hoops. He leaned against the pole for the hoop and took in a deep breathe.

However, he was startled when a mysterious figure scared the teenage boy. He turned around to see none other than Geena there. Geena looked more human, more normal than in her usual form. Her usual black hair in a braid was loose and flowing, it was actually quite long and curly. She was wearing a little black dress with black baby doll flats on, she also was wearing sunglasses to cover her golden eyes.

"So, Blackie. You decide to answer my messages." Geena spoke.

Artie turned around, "Sh! No one here needs to know about that side of me." Artie said.

Geena peaked up, "Oh? You mean like that half brother of yours? The one you nearly killed, twice." Geena said.

Artie pointed at her violently, "I can't control this power. I can't be your little servant." Artie said.

Geena chuckles, "You actually think you can walk away from this. Listen, dear. No one walks away from this unless Master Ripto allows it." Geena said.

Artie glares, "Watch me."

Artie began to walk away, but then felt a shock go through his system. He collapsed onto the ground and then reached for his belt. On his belt was a pager style item, it had similar marking as the Jurassic Squad morphers.

It even had a black gem in the upper center of the device. Artie stared at it and then felt another shock go up his spine, he turned around to see Geena walk over with a grin on her face. She knelt down with her face real close to his face.

"Listen, you can try to escape it but you are stuck with us." Geena said.

Then the women handed him the hall pass he dropped on the ground, and vanished. Artie stood up slowly, barely stumbling and taking in deep breathes. He was nervous and a bit afraid as he headed back int he direction of the high school.


DURING ENGLISH class, the five were in a group working on a group project. However, KZ seemed a bit out of it. She seemed to be day dreaming, or just unfocused is all. Jenny nudged her friend to gain her attention, KZ snapped out of it.

When KZ was brought back to the land of reality, she saw the guys and Jenny giving her a concern look. Jared most of all, he wasn't sure what was going on and he would worry the fastest. KZ looked at the time and realized she had zoned out for five minutes.

"KZ, you okay?" Jared asks.

KZ shakes her head, "I think I might have some bad news."

Omar looks at her, "What do you mean?"

Hunter leaned back on his chair, "Unless it beats my dead beat dad trying to meet up, then its not that bad." Hunter said.

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