Introducing Arthur

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Red: Jared Scott

Blue: Omar Ellis

Yellow: Jennifer/Jenny Callahan
Green: Hunter Jacobson
Pink: Katherine/KZ Walker

JESSICA WALKED Artie to the front door of the Scott home. Standing outside was Ryan with his two kids, Brooke and Jared. Both Scott kids were pretty upset at their dad and also angry that this was actually happening.

Ryan glanced at his two children as Jessica and Artie stopped in front of the three Scott members. Jessica placed Artie's bag on the ground and turned to her son. Artie had a backpack on his shoulders and turned his attention to his mom. Jessica reaches out and hugs Artie, he holds onto his mom before she pulls back then turned to face her former lover.

"So this is it," Jessica said.

Ryan nods, "It is."

Jessica turns her gaze from Ryan and his other kids to Artie, "I'll call every other night. Well as much as I can, sweetie." Jessica said.

Artie nods, "Okay mom."

Jessica kisses the forehead of Artie, "Love you baby."

She then walked away from the Scott home, heading off in her red sport car and drove off. Artie sighs and turns his attention to the Scott family, seeing the unwelcome feeling from Jared and Brooke.

Jared turns and heads into the house before even saying a single word to Artie, Brooke goes to follow her brother but was stopped by her dad. Brooke turns her gaze to her father, whom she was still mad at.

"Artie, this is your younger sister, Brooke." Ryan said.

Artie waves, "Hi."

Brooke nods, "Hey," She says awkwardly.

"And that was your brother, Jared." Ryan said.

Artie nods, "Noted."

Ryan helped carry in Artie's things, as Brooke walked inside to her house before the other two men. When Artie entered the house it was something strange than a penthouse or a condo, it was an actual cookie cutter family house. He looked on a wall to see a family photo that seem ages old but had four members, which was something he was confused about. Where was Ryan's wife, he knew his biological father was married.

As Ryan carried Artie's stuff upstairs, Artie began to explore the house. Finding Jared in the living room with Brooke, the two doing completely different things. Brooke was sitting on the floor in front of the couch playing video games, above her was Jared. He was reading Swiss Family Robinson's, which looked to be a worn down book. Brooke was button mashing the controller like a crazy person, while Jared was too focused in his book.

Artie nearly jumped when a hand touched his shoulder.

"It's usually this quiet around here. I have to go to work, I'll be back at ten. Jared, dinner money is on the table." Ryan said.

Jared didn't even give his father an answer, not even a nod.

"Okay, um if you need anything Brooke and Jared can help you out with it or reach me on my cell." Ryan said.

Artie nods, "Um okay sir." He said.

Ryan nods and says goodbye while his other children ignored him, once the front door shut the two Scott children turned to each other. Jared closed his book and Brooke even paused her game, Artie took in a breathe breathe and crossed his arms on his chest.

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